Title SCO PROD Server Monthly Maintenance
MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION: Monthly Patch Maintenance/Avanti Begins: Saturday, 08:00 A.M. Duration: Approximately 6 hours ********************************************************************* USERS IMPACTED: SCO Internal and External Users SERVICES IMPACTED: The following open systems resources are impacted and access to these services may be intermittent during this time frame. INTERNAL RESOURCES: Fileserver, printing, DE Series, ITBM, Teamworks, Email, Nform, JumpHosts INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RESOURCES: SCO Public website, IPOPS, ITIME, PayStubs, W2, NetPay Calc, Online Reporting, Security Access Request, Surplus Property, Data Divide sites, ITIME Web Services, Transparent Idaho, DHR Perf Eval For a list of servers impacted: Contact: SCO Help Desk scohelpdesk@sco.idaho.gov (208)332-8748
Start Time 5/23/2020 8:00 AM
End Time 5/23/2020 2:00 PM
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Content Type: Event