
  1. Front Cover
  2. Inside Cover
  3. Title Page
  4. Acknowledgements
  5. Table of Contents
    1. Transmittal Letter
    2. Certificate
    3. Org Chart
    4. Elected Officials
    1. Audit Letter
    2. MD&A
    1. Statement of Net Position
    2. Statement of Activities
    3. Balance Sheet - Governmental
    4. Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet
    5. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance
    6. Reconciliatiion of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes
    7. Statement of Net Position - Proprietary
    8. Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position
    9. Statement of Cashflows - Proprietary
    10. Statement of Fiduciary Net Position
    11. Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
    12. Statement of Net Position - Component Units
    13. Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position
    1. Note 01 - SSAP
    2. Note 02 - Deposits, Investments, and Restricted Assets
    3. Note 03 - Derivative Instruments
    4. Note 04 - Intraentity Transactions
    5. Note 05 - Noncurrent Receivables
    6. Note 06 - Capital Assets
    7. Note 07 - Deferred Outfolws of Resources and Deferred Inflows of Resources
    8. Note 08 - Pension Plans
    9. Note 09 - Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions
    10. Note 10 - Risk Management
    11. Note 11 - Leases
    12. Note 12 - Short-Term Debt
    13. Note 13 - Bonds, Notes, and Other Long-Term Liabilities
    14. Note 14 - Equity
    15. Note 15 - Donor Restricted Endowments
    16. Note 16 - Litigation, Contengencies, Commitments, and Encumbrances
    17. Note 17 - Subsequent Events
    1. Budgetary Comparison Schedule
    2. Note to Budgetary Reporting
    3. Infrastructure
    4. Pension
    5. OPEB
    1. Nonmajor Governmental
    2. Nonmajor Enterprise
    3. Internal Service
    4. Fiduciary Funds
    1. Stats Index
    2. Sch-1
    3. Sch-2
    4. Sch-3
    5. Sch-4
    6. Sch-5
    7. Sch-6
    8. Sch-7
    9. Sch-8
    10. Sch-9
    11. Sch-10
    12. Sch-11
    13. Sch-12
    14. Sch-13
    15. Sch-14
    16. Sch-15
    17. Sch-16
    18. Sch-17
    19. Sch-18
    20. Sch-19
  6. Inside Back Cover
  7. Back Cover
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