AI - Return from Inactive Status

Purpose: This action is used to return an employee from inactive to active status. The current pay status must be equal to B (inactive with pay) or I (inactive without pay).  The pay status will be updated to an A (active).  This change reason may be submitted without any other options.
If a full time employee with a FLSA code of 'E' returns from inactive status, the time sheet required field must be updated to 'N'.
Position (pay) status must be equal to B (inactive with pay) or I (inactive) in order to use this change reason.

Note: The agency signer must approve the 'AI' (Return from Inactive Status) personnel change before it is routed to DSP (Division of Statewide Payroll) for processing.  Employees with appointment codes 'NGB', 'NGC', 'NGE', 'NGJ', 'NGL' and 'NGR', must be approved by the Governor's office before being routed to DSP for processing.

Field Requirements

X=  Required

O= Optional

Hourly/Daily/Annual Employees

​Time Sheet Required​Unemployment Indicator

Miscellaneous Appointment Updates Personnel Approval Cycle