Agency Profile

This is the form the agency User Profile Administrator (UPA) will update to allow employee access to the Self-Service forms.  Each agency can choose to allow access to any or all self-service forms. An agency can also choose to have any or all of the self-service forms routed for agency approval.
UPAs who are in the CPO (Central Payroll Officer) Group will also see the agency's I-Time Information.
Agency Maintenance Information
Displays the three digit agency code and agency name.
Application Access
Displays which applications an employee can access.   
Allow Access to Self-Service Forms - The boxes checked here control which self-service forms will be available for an employee to update.  Each agency will decide which forms will be available to their employees. 
Require Agency Approval on Self-Service Forms - The boxes checked here control which self-service forms require agency approval.  The self-service forms selected for approval will be routed to the agency personnel originator and an email notification will be generated. An agency personnel originator can approve their own self-service forms.
Note:  Making changes to the Application Access will not affect actions that have been Saved or Submitted.
Routing Exclusions
IPOPS actions will not require review/approval from the agencies listed in this field (ie. DHR, DFM, etc).
 IPOPS Information

Displays Pay Location options established by an agency and whether or not the agency requires email notification. 

Note:  If an agency uses e-mail notify, each time a document is forwarded within an agency, an e-mail notification will be sent. The agency will also receive e-mail notification when a document is disapproved, send back pending edits, or a document with a signature is deleted.

In order to enable the email notify to 'Yes' an IPOPS Approver must send a request to DSP Security.

I-Time Information
Displays the agency funding distribution structure for I-Time.
Notices: Displays an agency notice if one is currently set-up by a CPO in I-Time.