Agency Signer

All current documents an agency signer has been authorized to view will be shown when 'Views' is selected.  Agencies can allow agency signer access by application type.  If an agency signer is only given access to Payroll and Position Control, but not Personnel, they would not see personnel documents in their views.  Draft documents cannot be opened by an agency signer.  Documents that do not require agency approval will have 'CANCEL' and 'HOME' buttons.
Agency Signers can also create their own views, and can choose current or archived documents.  Note: They will not see documents from the 2012 archive or earlier that did not require their approval.

By using the 'Agency Signer' button, only those documents requiring an agency signature will be shown.


After documents have been approved, a message is displayed showing the types of documents that were approved.


If an agency signer selects a document for multiple approval that has a status awaiting another agency approval (DHR, DFM, etc.), they will receive a message letting the user know that the documents could not be approved at this time.