Board of Examiners Approval of Additional Leave or Overtime Pay

A request must be sent to the Board of Examiners when an agency needs to:

  • Compensate a FLSA exempt employee for overtime hours worked, or
  • Allow an employee to accrue more vacation than the maximum set in Idaho Code,

To request approval from the Board of Examiners:

  • Submit a written request to:

Brandon D Woolf

Secretary, Board of Examiners at the State Controller's Office

Post Office Box 83720

Boise, ID 83720-0011 

  • Or call (208) 334-3100 for information on meeting schedules and processes. 

Note: The request must include a date in which the override period will end.   

MC Misc-Update, Board of Examiner Approval 

Once the agency receives approval from the Board of Examiners, a 'MC' (Misc Update) action can be created in IPOPS to update an employee's FLSA Code, Leave Code and/or Overtime Accrual Indicator.  

MD - Misc Update - Return from Board of Examiners Approval 

When the end date on the 'MC' is reached a 'MD' change reason will be generated through payroll.  

If the 'MC' action needs to end earlier than the original end date, the agency must submit a 'MD' action through IPOPS. 

Note: The Department of Lands has received an extended approval from the Board of Examiners to hire all exempt FLSA employees with a FLSA Code 'S'.  These employees cannot receive a comp time payoff when they terminate.  The balance of comp time hours will be zeroed out when the termination is processed.

Note: As of March 1, 2022 the seven Health Districts are no longer state agencies and therefore are no longer under the Board of Examiners.