Employee Deduction Adjustments

Purpose: The Employee Voluntary Deduction Adjustment is used by an agency to make changes to an employee's active or inactive voluntary deductions.  The Office of Group Insurance (OGI) can also create Employee Voluntary Deduction Adjustments. The deductions must exist on the employees' record (example: to process a PERSI adjustment, the 110 deduction will first need to be established).

OGI will make all Flexible Spending Account Adjustments (Employee Voluntary Deduction Adjustment) and Medical/Dental Deduction Adjustments (Benefit Deduction Adjustment).  Agency Authorized Originators and Internal Approvers will have 'Read' only access to the Employee Voluntary Deduction Adjustments created by the Office of Group Insurance (OGI).
The authorized originator will receive the following error message if an employee is selected that does not have any active or inactive voluntary deductions.

Fields that are mandatory will have yellow font and must be completed before the document can be submitted or sent to the next reviewer/approver.
Effective Date - (Mandatory) Click the drop-down list and choose from a total of 13 (thirteen) pay period begin dates. This includes the first pay period begin date that has not been processed and twelve pay period begin dates in the future.
The date that appears in this field will be the pay period begin date for the first pay period that has not yet processed.  You can also click on the drop-down list and choose from twelve (12) future pay period begin dates. The effective date chosen should be the pay period begin date of the payroll the adjustment is to be processed.
Agency Comments - (Mandatory) Used to explain the action and is limited to 74 characters.
Deduction Code - (Mandatory) Select a deduction by clicking on the blue check mark  in Row 1.  All voluntary deductions that are active or inactive on the employee's record will be displayed in the drop-down list.
Employee's Current Deductions - The deduction code selected from the drop-down list will populate the employee's current deduction information.  Deductions that are set up as a percentage rather than an amount (i.e. deduction 273) will display 0.00 in the current deduction amount field.

Employee Replacement Amount - (Mandatory) In the appropriate box enter the amount(s) to be Deducted from or Refunded to the employee.  No special characters are allowed, including negative signs or brackets.  All amounts should be entered as numeric values.  Zeroes may be entered in the deduct amount, but not in the refund amount.  There is not an edit on the minimum/maximum pay period amounts for those deductions that have limits.

Remember -  Employee voluntary deduction adjustments will not process through payroll in the following situations:
I.              Adjustment is processing on a payroll where the employee is only being paid with a manual
II.             Adjustment is processing on a payroll where the employee is only receiving a special payment
III.            Adjustment is processing on a payroll the employee is not receiving any pay
Note:  If an adjustment will not process through payroll because of one of the above reasons, a message appears on the B-444395 Payroll Processing Message Report and DSP will delete the Employee Voluntary Adjustment form.
  • This document does not require an authorized signature.
  • You may route this document internally for approval if necessary. Click on the 'Send' drop-down list to select the appropriate internal approver and then click the 'Send' button.
  • To send this document directly to the Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP), click the 'Submit' button. The document will be in an 'Awaiting-Release' status.