​Employee Profiles - Add or Update

An employee must have a profile before any options will be accessible to them in I-Time.  Employee profiles for terminated employees will not be available in I-Time after the termination or position change has been uploaded.
Setting up or Changing I-Time Employee Profiles
From Maintenance choose:
Employee Maintenance - you will be redirected to a screen titled Employee Profile Maintenance.  From this screen, you may select a PCN, enter an employee's SSN, or a TEL may be selected from the drop-down list.  Only the employees assigned to that TEL will be displayed in the drop-down list.  If a TEL is not selected, all employees will be displayed.
Note: A CPO must enter their SSN in order to be able to edit their own profile. They will not see their name in the selection menu.
New Employee - you will be redirected to a screen titled New Employee Profile.
The new employee profile list will include all employees that have a status of 'A', 'I' or 'B' unless they have a rate indicator of 'D' or appointment code combo of 'NDT'. Daily rate employees at Racing Commission (Agency 332) are excluded. These employees display in the new employee list, have an I-Time Profile and enter their time. If the employee is in more than one PCN, each PCN will be displayed and needs to be set up.  After the profile is set up the employee will no longer be displayed in this list, they will then be displayed in the employee maintenance section.


Creating a new employee profile:
All available pay locations will be displayed in the drop-down list, choose the appropriate pay location.  All employees within that pay location will be listed by last name.  An employee may be selected from the employee drop-down list without choosing a Pay Location.
All employees will be displayed in Last Name alpha order.  If the employee has multiple PCNs, each PCN will be displayed.  Select the employee by either scrolling through the last names displayed or by entering their Social Security Number. 
      If selecting by last name, begin typing the last name and you will be redirected to that name.
If entering a Social Security Number, it must be entered as digits only, no dashes or spaces allowed.  When a Social Security Number is entered, the system will edit to find an agency employee.  If an employee is not found an error message will be displayed, select close and enter the employee name or a different Social Security Number.
Multiple PCN employees - enter the employee's SSN and click the drop-down list for all available PCNs for that employee.  The employee needs to be set up with an employee profile in a Time Entry Location (TEL) for each PCN they are in.
Press Continue to display the Employee profile.
The employee's I-Time profile will be displayed where changes can be made to the 'I-Time Information'.  Changes to 'Application Access Information' or 'Employee Information' must be completed using an IPOPS action.  The image below displays the fields with pre-filled default values.
Employee information is populated from the employee record created in IPOPS.
First Name:  The employee's First Name.
Last Name:  The employee's Last Name.
User Name:  Identifies how the employee logs on to SCO applications.  It is a combination of the employee's first name, last name and the three digit agency code.
Position Number:  PCN - Position Control Number
All positions, classified or Non-Classified, within the state of Idaho have a unique four digit number. PCNs are maintained by each agency.

Position Eff Date (REQUIRED):  Sets the start date on the employee's time sheet.  The employee will not be able to enter time prior to the date displayed.  The date is auto-populated with the effective date of the latest change reason.


This CPO can override this date by selecting:


  • Enter Date – The CPO can enter a different date than the auto-populated date.
  • ByPass Date – The employee can enter time for the entire pay period.
Pay Location:  It is the agency's option to use this code.  If used, it identifies divisions and locations within an agency. It is a two or four digit code that an agency may have assigned to break the agency into specific areas for reporting and warrant distribution.
FLSA Code:  The FLSA code used indicates how the employee is defined under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The FLSA code will determine if an employee is eligible to be paid for their overtime and the rate they accrue or are paid.  There is a set FLSA code related to each class code. Use this link for detailed information on FLSA codes.
RHH Accrual Code:  Indicates if an employee will be paid for or accrue their Regular Hours Held.
Shift Indicator Code:  Indicates if an employee is eligible to be paid for shift differential.
OVT Accrual Code:  Indicates if an employee will be paid for their overtime or if they will accrue comp time.

Fields that are maintained by the Central Payroll Officer (CPO)

Time Entry Location:  Select the Time Entry Location (TEL) the employee needs to be added to.  When the 'Home' TEL is selected, the corresponding approvers will be displayed.
Time Not entered by employee, Signed time sheet on file?  Indicates if a Time Entry Assistant (TEA) will enter time for the employee.
Yes, the employee will not be able to enter his or her own time.  They will only be able to view their time sheet as a read only document after it has been created and saved by the TEA or approver.  The TEA or approver that creates the time sheet will have an 'Approve' button to use when submitting the time sheet.
No, the employee will be able to enter his or her own time.  If a TEA creates the time sheet, they will have a 'Submit' button to use when submitting time sheet.  When a time sheet is submitted by a TEA, the employee will be prompted to sign the processed time sheet before completing a new time sheet.
If the entire Time Entry Location (TEL) is set up to have time entered by a Time Entry Assistant (TEA), the employee profiles in that TEL must be set to ‘Yes’.
Default Time Sheet View:  Choose 'Default Time Sheet View' by selecting either Standard or Cost Distribution.
The Standard time sheet will display the default week from Sunday through Saturday for time entry only.
The Cost Distribution time sheet will display the week from Sunday through Saturday for time entry and the selected cost accounting options selected from the Agency Maintenance form. 
Allow Full Access to Reports:  This option allows an employee to have full access to view I-Time reports and time sheets within their agency. 
Marked for No Time:   Annual employees, executive employees and employees that occasionally turn in hours worked, should be 'Marked for No Time' - 'Yes'.  When the 'Marked for No Time' indicator is 'Yes' on the I-Time profile, a check box will be displayed at the top of the employee's time sheet.  An Approver, Employee, Time Entry Assistant (TEA) or the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) can de-select the check box for 'No Time Entered this Pay Period' and complete a time sheet.
 **This option will default to 'No', which requires a completed time sheet each pay period the employee has hours to report. 
Exempt from Leave Request:  This button is hidden if an agency does not use the I-Time Leave/Overtime request'.  Agencies using the I-Time Leave/Overtime Request can choose if an employee must complete a request before submitting a time sheet with leave coded. When 'No' is selected, an employee is required to complete a 'Leave Request' before their time sheet can be routed to the supervisor for approval.   If 'Yes' is selected, the employee will not have the option to create a Leave/Overtime Request.
Employee Type:  Click the button to designate which role the employee should have. Since only one can be selected, the system will know if an additional role is selected. The radio button for CPOs is only seen by an agency CPO after they are setup by the DSP Security Administrator.  If a CPO selects a different radio button and saves their changes they will no longer have the CPO role.
Assign Employee to TEL(s):  This option allows an agency to select which TELs an I-Time user may have access to.  An employee designated as employee type EMP or CPO will not have this selection option.  CPOs can add TELs, remove one TEL or remove all TELs from an employee's profile by selecting the drop down arrow under the Assign Employee to TEL(s) section of the employee's I-Time profile.  To add TELs, select from the 'Available' list then select Add.  To remove a TEL select the TEL(s) from the 'Currently Selected' box then select remove.  To remove all TEL(s) select 'Remove All'.  Select OK to save changes.
As Employee Profiles are set up, the employees are automatically added to the proper fields for designated Time Entry Locations (TELs).
* When each employee is set up correctly, press Save at the top of the screen and it will take you back to the New Employee Profile Screen.