General Appointment Update Information

Employee must have an active ('A', 'I' or 'B') position within the agency.
When an employee is hired into a classified position, some fields will be auto-populated on the IPOPS form.  The following fields will be populated based on the Change Reason, Position Type and the Appointment Type Combo:  Suffix, Class Code of the Position, FTE and Pay Period Hours from the Position, Schedule/Grade of the Class Code and FLSA Code for the Class Code,  The only Appointment Codes available in the drop-down are based on the combination of the Change Reason, Position Type and the Appointment Type Combo.  The Leave Codes are limited in the drop-down based on the populated fields.  If the PCN is changed, all auto-populated fields will be removed, any of the fields with information entered by the user will not be removed.
Incoming position control number (PCN) cannot be the same as the current PCN.  Incoming PCN drop-down list does not display positions with a deleted status, only vacant and filled PCNs will be shown.
If the incoming PCN has a classified position type (CR, CL or CS), users will only have classified appointment code combinations in the drop-down.  If the incoming PCN has a non-classified position type (NR or NG), users will only have non-classified appointment code combinations in the drop-down.  Users will get a warning message if the incoming jurisdiction is equal to classified and the incoming PCN's class code is not the same as the employee's incoming class code.
    If the incoming appointment code combination is equal to NRM (8 month temporary), the work type must be PB, PF, PP or PT.
Users will receive an error message if the FLSA code, appointment code and leave code combination is invalid. For valid combinations, go to the FLSA, Appointment Code and Leave Code Combinations table. 
Users will receive an error message if the work type, FLSA code and time sheet required combination is invalid.  For valid combinations, go to the Work Type Codes - WKS Table by Pay Group combination table.

D0 Transaction is system generated:
On all appointment update change reasons except AA
Incoming position control number must be different from current position control number. Current PCN displayed will have the appropriate inactivation/separation/termination change reason generated with a D0 transaction.  A 'VX' change reason will be system generated in the D0 transaction for the following: AN, AT, DD, DV, PI, PO and XW. The effective date for the D0 transaction will be one day prior to the D1 transaction effective date.
A 'TP' change reason will be generated in the D0 transaction for the 'AF' change reason.
A 'VL' change reason will be generated in the D0 transaction for the 'DF' change reason.

CO in Current Position:
What would happen in the following example?
The following warning message would be displayed, 'Employee has an active short term rate increase.  Override end date will be updated to 01/31/2012. Press OK to Continue'. 
If the employee was leaving state employment, the leave balances would be paid at the employee's base rate of pay.
Separations/terminations and transfers will update the override end date on a 'CO' change reason to have an effective date equal to the separation/termination/transfer or 'VX' change reason effective date.
Effective Date
Change Reason
Override Amount
Override Start Date
Override End Date
An inactivation will not update the override end date.