Generated Time Sheets - DEQ

Generated Time Sheets:

When the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) selects 'Generate Executive Time' on the payroll processing page, time sheets will be generated for all employees with a time sheet required indicator of 'N' on their record.  These time sheets are generated prior to submitting payroll processing and are included in the number of employees and batches to be processed.
Time sheets for employees that are marked as time sheet not required will NOT be generated if a time sheet has been created and saved for employees that fall into this category. If a draft time sheet has been created (but not saved) a generated time sheet will process and the draft will be deleted when the CPO selects 'Generate Executive Time'.
If 'Generate Executive Time' is selected multiple times, the time sheets that were previously generated will not be generated again.
Generated time sheets can be edited prior to submitting them. Since they are generated with a status of Awaiting CPO Completion, the CPO must edit the time sheet or they can disapprove it to allow the employee or approver to edit the time sheet. The Marked for No Time box must be unchecked to submit or approve it.
If a generated time sheet needs edited after it has been submitted, it can be pulled back for a correction, submitted and approved again for processing. A generated time sheet can be Marked as Deleted. This can be done only by the CPO.
A generated time sheet does not require the employee to sign them (current or previous) if they log on to complete a time sheet. However, it does require them to sign any time sheet signed on their behalf by another employee (an Approver or CPO creates or corrects their time sheet).
Generated Time Charge Codes:

When time sheets are generated, the distributions (charge codes) are applied by looking up the default charge codes selected on the employee's I-Time profile.
Note: These employees are called "executive" which may cause confusion that this process applies to only FLSA code E employees when it does not. Most TSR = N employees are FLSA code E, but not all, some are other FLSA codes. A part-time FLSA E may not be TSR = N.