Purpose: The ICS screen will be used by agencies to view an annual salary employee's current and remaining contract amounts.
When a manual, void, or adjustment (Payroll types M, V, A) is processed for a position that is no longer in current class, the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID field will be blank.  The REMAINING BALANCE will be the same as the ADJ CNTRCT AMOUNT.  If a manual, void or adjustment is processed for a position in current class, the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID field displays the amount after the payroll is completed (will not change based on the amount in the ‘CURRENT PP AMOUNT’).

MVA's processed for a prior year annual contract will not update the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID. Only MVA's processed for the current year contract will update the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID.  

  • If the MVA effective date is greater than the effective date of the latest FX change reason, (current class or history), with Timesheet Required Indicator of Y, then the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID will be updated. MVA is for the employee's current contract period. 
  • If the MVA effective date is less than/prior to the effective date of the latest FX change reason, (current class or history), with Timesheet Required Indicator of Y, then the YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID will not be updated. MVA is for the employee's prior contract period. 
  • If no FX change reason is found, the employee is assumed to be new and the MVA is for the current contract period. The YTD CONTRCT SALARY PAID will be updated.
Required Control Fields:
Field IdentifierDescriptionLength
USER INIT:User's Initials3
COMP NBR:Your State Organization Code 3
FISCAL YEAR/SSN:Requested Employee's SSN9
TRAN CODE:Inquiry Screen Identifier - ICS3
SECURITY CODE:User's Assigned Security Code​4
Reported Fields:
EMPLOYEEEmployee Name
AGENCYAgency Code
PAY TYPECode To Identify if Manual, Void or Adjustment (can be blank)
PCNEmployee's Position Control Number
RATE/SALARYEmployee's Annual Rate of Pay

The 'Current Pay Period Amount' consists of the following:

  • Earnings paid as part of the employee's annual contract (Only earnings codes with a Contract Salary Indicator 'Y' on the ERN directory)
  • A combined amount of all payment types (Manual, Void and/or Regular) paid to the employee in the current pay period.
ADJ CONTRACT AMOUNTEquals the amount the employee should receive for the entire contract period.
YTD CONTRACT SALARY PAIDYTD Amount Paid to an Annual Salary Employee.  Note: When the current pay period amount is equal to zero or blank, this field will display the 'YTD Contract Salary Paid' amount from the prior pay period.
REMAINING BALANCEADJ Contract Amount - less the YTD Contract Salary Paid.
Additional Information:

·         If an 'Annual Salary' employee changes to a rate indicator of 'Daily' or 'Hourly', the contract salary history will remain on this screen.
·         This Contract Salary screen will store up to 5 years of pay period by pay period history.