Purpose: Displays the employee’s Tax Deferred Deductions.
Required Control Fields:
Field IdentifierDescriptionLength
USER INIT:User's Initials3
COMP NBR:Your State Organization Code3
FISCAL YEAR/SSN:Requested Employee's SSN9
TRAN CODE:Inquiry Screen Identifier - IDF3
SECURITY CODE:User's Assigned Security Code4
Special Instructions:
Annual Equivalent Salary is calculated from the employee’s position segment (active or Inactive with pay).
Employee’s pay period hours divided by 80 (if pay period hours are greater than 80 use 1).
Employee’s rate of pay * 2080 if hourly, 1 if annual, 12 if monthly * Employee’s FTE = Annual Equivalent Salary.
Multi-Position Indicator will be ‘Y’ if employee is in more than one position within the Agency.
The PLAN YTD AMT only applies to the Medical Reimbursement FSA and Dependent Care FSA deductions (a system id of 125).  The PLAN YTD AMT is stored in the employee inception to date amount field (IDE inquiry screen) and reset each fiscal year on those deductions.