Purpose: The IEM screen displays the employee's base information that is established by the Personnel Change action and is updated with the Employee Base Information action in IPOPS.  The information contained on this screen includes name, address, birthdate, employee's credited state service balance, etc.
Required Control Fields:
Field IdentifierDescriptionLength
USER INIT:User's Initials3
COMP NBR:Your State Organization Code3
FISCAL YEAR/SSN:Requested employee's SSN9
TRAN CODE:Inquiry Screen Identifier - IEM3
SECURITY CODE:User's Assigned Security Code4
Additional Information:
If the employee has a future transaction pending, a message will appear on this screen under the employee’s name.
This screen includes:
• Employee’s Credited State Service (CSS) statewide balance and Retirement Plan Code.
• Employee’s Employment Information: Agency Code, Pay Status, Current Classification, Effective Date and Change Reason.
Prior SSN:  Will display a prior SSN. If an employee is rehired from the term file with a different SSN than what is on the term file, it creates a prior SSN record.
Alias:  Will display two (2) prior aliases. If more than 2 are on employee’s record, press function key F5 for additional aliases. If an employee is rehired from the term file with a different name than what is on the term file, it creates an alias.
View W2 Online:  This field will default to an 'N' for new employees.  An employee must use the W2 acceptance process to have access to view their W2 online.  If a terminated employee is rehired and their online switch was set to 'Y', they would return with the same setting.  Employees active in multiple agencies will have one W2 switch.  When an employee is terminated with change reason 'SX', their View W2 Online switch will be automatically updated to 'N'.
Note:  A message will appear on the screen if an employee has worked in more than ten agencies.