Import Time Entry Data - DEQ

This option allows DEQ to retrieve time sheet data on demand for pre-audit and reporting purposes, before time sheets are submitted to the Controller’s office for processing.

This option can be selected from the left navigation menu. Once selected, time sheet information will be sent over to DEQ. Information will be sent for all time sheets, including those in draft status, as long as required charge codes have been entered. This is an on demand option in addition to the information that is sent to DEQ during payroll processing.
After Import Time Entry Data is selected, there will be a dialog box that displays asking for confirmation of import.
While processing a yellow banner indicating "Please Wait..." is displayed in the left navigation. (This is the same banner used when Payroll Processing is submitted.)

Note:  Since time sheets are being sent in all statuses, most of the time sheets will not have the leave allocation listed on the bottom of the time sheet. In this case, hash tags will be defaulted in the PCA/Index field when sent to DEQ.