New Employee - DEQ

Purpose:  New employee maintenance is used to create new I-Time profiles. New I-Time profiles must be created when an employee is new to an agency or has a position change. Employees must have an I-Time profile before any options will be accessible to them in I-Time.  
Creating a New I-Time Profile for an Employee:  From Maintenance choose New Employee and the New Employee Profile Maintenance screen will display. The new employee profile list will include all employees that have a status of 'A', 'I' or 'B' unless they have a rate indicator of 'D' or appointment code combo of 'NDT'.  If the employee is in more than one PCN, each PCN will be displayed and I-Time profiles need to be created for each PCN. After the profile is set up the employee will no longer be displayed in this list; they will then be displayed in the employee maintenance section.
The employee selection box will display all employees who do not have an existing I-Time profile. Scroll through this box to make a selection or narrow down the list by using the selection options.
Selection Options:
Pay Location:  Selecting a specific pay location will display employees within that pay location in the Employee selection box. If a pay location is not selected, all employees will be displayed. Choose the employee and then select 'Continue'.

Employee:  Select an individual employee to view or edit their I-Time profile and select 'Continue'.

SSN:  Enter the social security number for a specific employee and select 'Continue'.

Select PCN:  To use this selection option, the employee's social security number must be entered first. After the social security number is entered, select the drop down arrow next to the 'Select PCN' option to display that employee's position number(s). Choose the position number and then select 'Continue'. 
After selecting 'Continue' the employee profile will display where it can be created and saved.
Creating an I-Time Profile