SSN Change

Purpose:  The SSN Change is used to update an incorrect Social Security Number (SSN).
General Information:  A SSN change cannot be completed if there are any current or future Payroll/Personnel actions statewide that have been created for the employee and are not processed.  There will be an error displayed showing the database of the unprocessed action(s).  All actions for that employee must have a 'Document Status' of 'Archived' or 'Deleted' prior to the creation of a SSN Change.  A SSN Change can be created for any employee regardless of their pay status. 
The following list of documents will be updated when a Social Security change is processed.
·         Time sheets in the current archive and one (1) prior year archive.
·         Current Pay Stubs and one (1) prior year.
·         Payroll current archive and one (1) prior year archive.
·         Personnel current archive and one (1) prior year archive.
·         Online Enrollment archive.
Note:  Performance evaluations and W-2 forms will not be updated when a SSN change is processed.

Fields that are mandatory will have yellow font and must be completed before the document can be submitted or sent to the next reviewer/approver.
Effective Date:  (Mandatory) The date that appears in this field will be the current date and cannot be changed.  This change will become effective when the next upload process is completed.
SSN Information
Agency Comments:  (Optional) This field is used to explain the action and is limited to 74 characters.
Social Security Number:  (Mandatory)  Enter the Social Security Number (SSN) shown on the employee's Social Security card.  A message to verify the new SSN will be displayed.  Click the OK button to continue or 'Cancel' to return to the SSN Change.

If the new SSN is found in the database, the following error will be displayed.  Verify the number on the employee's Social Security card.  If the message is still being displayed, contact the DSP Help Desk.


If there are current documents that have not been processed, the following error will be displayed.
Routing Information:
A completed SSN Change action may need routed to an Internal Approver.  The Agency Authorization and Division of Statewide Payroll Accounting  (DPA) approvals are required.  An action with all of the required approvals will have a Document Status of 'Awaiting Release'.
When an action has completed the process, the Document Status will be ‘Released’ and then ‘Archived’.