Security Mailer

General Information
When New Hires, Rehires, Inter-Departmental Transfers and Name Changes are processed through the State Controller's Office, a security mailer will be created for each of these employees.
When a current employee changes their name, their password will remain the same when they receive their security mailer.
When an employee is reactivated, they will receive a security mailer with a new password and their user ID will be unchanged, (unless they also had a name change).
Employee is set up through IPOPS
Personnel action is approved by Agency Authorizer, DHR, DFM and GOV as necessary
After approval, the action is uploaded by DSP
The following day a security mailer will be printed and distributed to the agency 
The agency will distribute the Security Mailer to the employee 
The turn around time for a security mailer is dependent on when the action is submitted, approved and uploaded to the system.  A new employee should have a mailer by the first time they are paid or within two weeks of their hire date.