Separate Employment and Vacate One Position

Purpose: ​Separate Employment and Vacate One Position actions are used to separate employees from their position.

  • Separate Employment is used to separate an employee from employment at an agency and pay off applicable leave balances when payroll processes.
  • Vacate One Position is used to separate an employee in multiple positions from only one position.

Click here for a complete list of separation change reasons.


Separate Employment

  • Effective date should be the last day the employee reports time.
  • Select applicable Change Reason.
  • PCN will autofill with the employee's current position.
    • For employees in multiple positions, a pop-up will allow you to select the position you are terminating.
    • Clicking on the icon below allows you to change the position you are terminating.
    • A 'Vacate One Position' will be created in 'draft' status for remaining PCNs.
  • Leave balances will be listed for informational purposes. Regardless of the hours listed, all applicable balances will be paid off at the time the separation processes.
  • In order to override distribution (PCA, Index, Grant, or Project) for the leave payoffs:
    • Enter the number of hours to override in the applicable row. Hours must be equal to or less than the current balance hours displayed.
    • Select from the drop-down list, enter the number, or click the blue check mark in the appropriate distribution field.
    • Only the allowable Indexes/PCAs/Grants/Projects for your agency will be displayed.
    • Currently, Health and Welfare uses a default PCA for each pay location for payoffs of leave balances during separations. The default will be pre-filled, but can be removed or changed.
    • If a distribution override is entered, no hours for that payoff earnings will default to the codes currently on the position control file.
    • If a distribution override is entered, all remaining hours will also default to the coded distribution.
    • If coding multiple distribution overrides, all remaining hours will default to the last entered distribution.

Note: Function arrows will be displayed under each payoff earnings code.

  • Choosing the  arrow will display up to 4 additional lines for distribution coding.
  • Choosing the  arrow will reset all rows


Vacate One Position

Note: This will create a personnel termination only; no payoffs will be processed.

  •  Effective date should be the last day the employee reports time.
  • Select the appropriate Change Reason from the drop-down list or click on the blue check mark.
  • PCN will autofill with the employee's current position.
    • For employees in multiple positions, a pop-up will allow you to select the position you are terminating.
    • If no PCN is selected, the PCN will default to the first PCN in numeric order.

Additional information:

  • If the employee is only in one position and 'Vacate One Position' is selected, IPOPS will not allow you to enter the form and will redirect you to the Separate Employment Action.

For routing information, see Personnel Approval Cycle

For general separation/termination information, see Separations/Terminations