Setting up and Maintaining Time Entry Locations (TEL)

Time Entry Locations (TELs) are the foundation of I-Time and determine the structure (hierarchy) of the agency.  
It is highly recommended that you completely set up all the Time Entry Locations (TELs) for the agency, before setting up employees, other than additional Central Payroll Officer's (CPOs) to assist with the agency set up.
Time Entry Locations (TEL) must be set up beginning at the top of the agency.

Create a Time Entry Location (TEL)
From Maintenance choose Time Entry Locations (TELs)
You will be redirected to a screen titled Time Entry Location (TEL) Maintenance 

From the drop-down menu choose ** Create New Location>>>, press 'Continue.
You will be redirected to a detailed screen where you will enter the information about the Time Entry Location (TEL).
This Screen will appear:  

Location Name - Type in the name of the Time Entry Location (TEL) and tab to the next field.

Time Entry Location’s (TELs) are limited to 25 characters and can be alpha/numeric.  If you use pay locations the Time Entry Location (TEL) names do not have to be the same as your pay locations, but they can be if you choose.
There is a description box if you need further identify the Time Entry Location (TEL).
From the drop-down list select an uplink Time Entry Location (TEL) unless it is your top Time Entry Location (TEL). This field will be left blank for the top Time Entry Location (TEL) in your agency.
            Uplink Time Entry Locations (TELs) can be selected by:
      You can begin typing the Time Entry Location (TEL) name and the name will fill in.
            From the drop-down you list can scroll to the correct Time Entry Location (TEL).
The uplink Time Entry Location (TEL) - Will determine the routing for time sheets and who has the ability to approve them.  The top Time Entry Location (TEL) of an agency is the uplink for the next level.  That level becomes the uplink Time Entry Location (TELs) for the next level. 
The Lower Section
As Employee Profiles are set up the users will be automatically added to the proper fields for designated Time Entry Locations (TELs).

Note:  The role of Time Entry Technician (TET) is no longer used as of 10/01/2010.  When the drop-down arrow is clicked, a blank box will be displayed.
To remove a user from a specific role, click on the drop-down arrow, and the following screen will open.

Employees can be added and removed, when all changes are made, click OK
Time Sheets for this Time Entry Location (TEL) will be internally routed according to how your agency is set up.
After information is entered select 'Save' at the top of the page.
This will take you back to the Time Entry Location (TEL) Maintenance screen.
Time Entry Location Maintenance
From Maintenance choose Time Entry Location (TEL).
You will be redirected to a screen titled Time Entry Location (TEL) Maintenance.
From the drop-down menu choose the Time Entry Location (TEL) that needs to be changed or deleted. 
You will be redirected to a detailed screen that will contain the current information about the Time Entry Location (TEL).

To make a change to the Time Entry Location (TEL) name - Type in the Time Entry Location (TEL) name box and click save.  When a TEL name is changed the application will update:
All appropriate I-TIME profiles for Employees, Approvers, Reviewers and TEAs.
All appropriate Terminated employee profiles if the 'DoneProcessing' indicator is 'N'.
The old group name with the new group name in the address book.
All the appropriate time sheets in the working database with the new group name.
It is not necessary for the application to update the time sheets in the archive database with the new group name.  Archived time sheets are updated to have OTA-ALL in the TS Readers field.  The OTA-ALL replaces the individual TEL group name(s).  Approvers, Reviewers and TEAs should not have any issues accessing time sheets in the working database, archive database or CYE archive databases for 'ACTIVE EMPLOYEES'.
There is an exception for employees who have terminated and the Term Profile contains a 'Y' in the 'DoneProcessing' field.  Approver, Reviewers and TEAs will no longer see these employees in the drop-down list under 'TERMINATED EMPLOYEES' when the TEL name has changed.
There is not an audit report provided when an agency changes the name of the TEL.
CPOs and Employees should never have an issue accessing time sheets when a TEL name changes.  An employee accesses their time sheet by using their SSN and a CPO accesses time sheets by Agency/SSN.
To change an uplink Time Entry Location (TEL) or any other roles - Use the drop-down arrow and the following screens will appear for you to make your changes from.
Note:  If employee’s roles are changing for several Time Entry Locations (TELs), the roles should be changed on the employee profile.  If there are several changes that need to be made to the roles, or designated employees within the Time Entry Location (TEL), the changes should be done through Time Entry Location Maintenance.
Changing an uplink Time Entry Location (TEL):

Changing user roles:

To delete a Time Entry Location (TEL) - Click on the delete in the top frame, you will get a message to confirm the delete.  Click OK.

The application will not allow an agency to delete a TEL until all Employees have been assigned to a new TEL. The TEL to be deleted cannot be an uplink TEL for any other TEL.



Are you sure you want to DELETE Time Entry Location form for XXX. Continue?

Employee Profile(s) exists for TEL XXX. Employee profile(s) must be moved to new Time Entry Location before deleting.

XXX is an uplink for: YYY  This TEL may not be deleted until all uplinks have been reassigned.

Approvers, Reviewers and TEAs should not have any issues accessing the time sheets in the working database, archive database or CYE archive databases for 'ACTIVE EMPLOYEES'.
There is an exception for employees who have terminated.  The application allows the 'delete' to happen even if there are employees who terminated and the Term Profile contains a 'N' in the 'DoneProcessing' field.  Approvers, Reviewers and TEAs will no longer see these employees in the drop-down list under 'TERMINATED EMPLOYEES' when the TEL has been deleted.
There is an audit report provided when an agency deletes a TEL.  The audit report is kept for thirty (30) days.
CPOs and Employees should never have an issue accessing time sheets when a TEL is deleted.  An employee accesses their time sheet by using their SSN and a CPO accesses time sheets by Agency/SSN.
When changes are made and saved or OK is clicked, you will be redirected to the Time Entry Location (TEL) maintenance screen.