The Designated Reviewer Role

Reviewer's only have the capability to:
Click Review Complete - routes the time sheet to the approver.
Click Disapprove - sends the time sheet back to the employee for corrections.
Route to - lets the reviewer send it to any designated reviewer for that TEL.
When a Reviewer opens the 'Review', a screen will load similar to the one shown below.

If a reviewer selects the 'Create/View Time Sheet', that time sheet will open as a read only document with the same reviewer options as shown above.  A time sheet opened by the reviewer will open similar to the one shown below.

When a reviewer clicks the 'Review Complete' button they will no longer have access to that time sheet and it will be routed to the Approver.
When a reviewer clicks the Disapprove button they will no longer have access to that time sheet and it will be routed back to the employee.  When the time sheet is disapproved the reviewer must add a comment explaining why it was disapproved.
After the employee makes the corrections, the time sheet will be routed to the Reviewer again.  The Reviewer must approve it in order for it to continue on to the Approver.
The last option the Reviewer has is a Route To:
All Reviewers for that Time Entry Location (TEL) will be displayed in the drop-down.  After the Reviewer selects one of them, the screen will do a refresh and the time sheet will show who it was routed to and who routed it.  The current Reviewer will still have all the original options.  Below is an example of a time sheet that has been routed from one Reviewer to another.

Note:  If an employee is set up as an Approver/Reviewer for the same Time Entry Location (TEL), their Approver role will take precedence over their Reviewer role, when they click 'Review Complete', the time sheet will be approved and will go to a status of Awaiting Completion by CPO.