View Report Assignments in Online Reporting

Purpose:  View Report Assignments is a search function in Online Reporting that provides a quick overview of authority, access, and statewide permission to users who do not have access to the ‘User Maintenance’ function.  The search is informational ONLY. Data and access cannot be edited within the 'View Report Assignments' function.  Access must be granted from SCO.

 Note:  Only Maintain Users have view report assignments unless otherwise granted from the State Controller’s Office. Maintain and View Reports Users can only see report assignments for their agency. 

To view report assignments by user:

1. From the Welcome screen, select 'View Report Assignments'.  

2. Enter in the employee's last name and select 'By User'. 

Note:  When searching by last or first name they must be entered exact i.e. Smith, a partial search cannot be made.

3. User name, agency, download and view assign will be displayed.

4. Select the employee whose access you wish to view by selecting the blue 'Select' option.  The expand [+] next to ‘SELECT’ can be selected to display the indicated employees SYSID, SYSID title, and authority level.

5. A new table will display which provides access to a list of all SYSID’s and reports for the user.  The expand [+] next to SYSID will display the assigned reports.


To view report assignments by report:

1. From the Welcome screen, select 'View Report Assignments'. 

2. Enter in the report number and select 'By Report'.

Note:  When searching by report number the report number must be entered exact i.e. B-444395, a partial search cannot be made.

3. An expandable grid sorted by SYSID will be displayed for the report number that was entered.

  • The expand [+] next to each SYSID can be selected to display the user name, agency, statewide access, and authority of each user assigned to the chosen SYSID. 
  • By choosing the blue 'Select' next to employee's user name provides access to a list of all SYSIDS and reports for the specific employee.