View, Print Time Sheets

Purpose: This report gives Approver,s Reviewers, Time Entry Assistants (TEAs), or Central Payroll Officers (CPOs) the capability to print time sheets for themselves and also their employees.
Note: If a Time Entry Location (TEL) has been deleted, only the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) will be able to retrieve the time sheets.
An Approver, Reviewer, or Time Entry Assistant (TEA) will have the option of selecting one active or terminated employee from the drop-down list. Central Payroll Officer (CPOs) can select themselves or any other employee in the agency.
Choose an Active or Termed Employee/Position.
The type of time sheet you want to print must be selected from the drop-down menu shown below.  You can choose Employee Time Sheet or Blank Time Sheet.
Employee Time Sheet will display the time sheet for pay period selected.
Blank Time Sheets can be created for multiple employees for one or more pay periods.
Report will default to the current pay period.  However, if a report is needed for a different pay period, it can be selected by scrolling to it and selecting by highlighting.
When all options are selected click 'Continue' and a report similar to the one shown below will be displayed.
Deleting time sheets for Invalid PCN
If an agency CPO chooses to delete a time sheet with an invalid PCN  in the current pay period, they can use the 'Delete Invalid PCN' link located in the top right corner of the time sheet. 

Note: If the CPO does not delete a time sheet with an invalid PCN, then the time sheet will be automatically marked as incomplete (or deleted if it does not have a signature) after payroll processes.