Voluntary Deductions - Establishing New

1.   Prospective deduction recipients (Vendors) must apply in writing to the State Controller.
2.   The Vendor must furnish the following information at the time of application:
·         Business Name
·         Complete Business Address
·         Contact Person
·         Business Telephone Number
·         Federal Employer Identification Number
·         All pertinent banking information to allow for Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) processing total payment amount for all voluntary deductions.
3.   The Vendor must be prepared to establish the deduction for no less than 100 state employees at the time the deduction code is established.  If the number of state employees utilizing the deduction code falls below 100 at any time, it will be deleted.
4.   Once established, the Vendor must adhere to the restriction of making no more than two deduction dollar changes in any calendar year.  Any data changes considered to be massive in scope must not interfere with fiscal year-end processing which occurs annually during June and July.
5.   All individualized deduction concerns, including periodic reconciliations must only involve State Controller's Office (SCO) coordination as a last resort.  Primary contacts should exist mostly between the Vendor and the individual employee's agency payroll/ personnel technician.
6.   The standard Payroll Deduction Register will be the only published transmittal automatically generated from the regular payroll processing.  All special report requests for processing or electronic data transferal must be done in writing and addressed to the State Controller.  Please be aware that usually these types of requests involve some relatively minor development and processing costs will be billed to the Vendor.  These can be estimated upon request.
1.   Other than the exceptions listed in B.2, changes to an employee's deduction record shall be made no more frequently than six times per year.  This is including the dollar amount changes mentioned in A.4.  Marital status and exemptions for taxing purposed will also be included in this maximum.  (This means that no more than six deduction forms should be processed for any employee within a (52) week period.
2.   The following situations are exception to B.1:
      A.        Cancellations of deductions due to employee termination or garnishment of wages.
      B.        Adjustments to any state sponsored program (i.e. Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Deferred Compensation, 401K Plans, etc.).
3.   Authorization of voluntary payroll deductions does not, and shall never, constitute any implied or tacit approval, endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the State Controller and/or the State of Idaho as to the potential merits or value of any recipient's service being offered.  Any such verbal reference or published endorsement by the Vendor to that effect will subject the respective payroll deduction to cancellation.
4.   The voluntary payroll deduction is offered solely as a generic convenience for state employees without any regard or consideration to potential benefits, commercial value and/or marketing methods used to influence employees that ultimately may lead to individual decisions being made for choosing products or services.
5.   This policy serves as a guideline only and will be reviewed periodically.  It may be altered without notice by the State Controller.