Attaching Scanned Documents


You can attach scanned receipts, invoices, letters, or any other supporting documents to your transactions. The scanned documents will then be associated with the transactions for approv ers, auditors, or managers to view online.

Documents must be scanned at your agency or agency field location and saved on a local or network hard drive. You then browse for and upload the scanned files in the application. Valid scanned file types include: .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif, and .tiff. The maximum size of file that you can attach is 8MB. Once attached, you cannot delete attachments. 

Your agency may need to develop document retention rules. Refer to the State Records Center site for record retention information.

Attach a Scanned Document

1. If you already have a document open (on the Document screen or the Approval screen), click the Attachment tab. If you do not have a document open, click the Status tab, open (Edit or Approve) a document and then click the Attachment tab.

Figure 1 - Attachment tab example

Adjustments Attachment screen without attachments displayed

2. Click Browse to locate your scanned document file. Valid types include files with the following extensions: .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif, .tiff. (A file with a .jpeg extension will not work.)

Figure 2 - Example of Browse button

Adjustments Attachment screen with Browse button highlighted and Windows File Explorer screen displayed 


3. Highlight the scanned document file and click Open. The directory path of the document will appear in the Browse Files field.

Figure 3 –Directory path example

Adjustments Attachment screen with a directory path entered in the Browse Files field 

4. Click Add File. The document will be added to a queue. The filename (without the extension) of the scanned document will be automatically entered in the Attachment Title field.

Figure 4 - Example of document added

  Attachment screen with a directory path displayed and the Add File button, Attachment Title filed, and Create Attachments button highlighted    

 5. If desired, change the Attachment Title to something more suitable for the document. Otherwise, leave the default title based on the file name.

6. For only one document, leave Create Single Attachment checked. If you have changed the Attachment Title, this will apply the change. For more than one file, see Attaching Multiple Documents section below.

7. Click Create Attachment(s). The document will appear in the Attachments area. (Click View if you want to view the attachment.)

Once uploaded, attachments cannot be deleted by the user.

Figure 5 - Example of Attached document with View

  Attachment screen with a View link highlighted 

Attach Multiple Documents

You can add multiple scanned documents in a queue, and then attach them as one document. However, to add multiple documents, each with unique Document Titles, add and create the attachments one at a time as previously described.

1. Add a document as described above, and then repeat the steps to add a second document to the queue. Note the Attachment Title keeps the name from the first document added. This can be changed.

2. Continue adding as many documents as needed.

Figure 6 - Adding multiple documents example

Adjustments screen with two attachments shown and the Attachment Title field and the Create Single Attachment check box highlighted


3. Leave Create Single Attachment checked or click the check box to clear it. Your choice will affect the Attachment Title of the attached documents:

4. Leave the checkbox checked, click Create Attachment(s), and all of the documents will have the same Attachment Title based on the filename of the first document added.

Figure 7 - Same document title example

Adjustments screen showing two documents with the same title 


5. Clear the Create Single Attachment check box, click Create Attachment(s), and the documents will have different Attachment Titles based on their filenames.

Figure 8 - Example of different document titles

Attachments screen showing two documents with different titles


Errors When Adding a File

If you receive a message, “Page cannot be displayed”, “Cannot access a closed file”, “Server error”, or “Maximum Request Length Exceeded”, your scanned document file size may be too large. The maximum size of file that you can attach is 8MB. Use your scanner/scanning software to reduce the file size or check your scan settings for resolution and file format. Scan pages of multi-page document individually or in groups. If you still get an error message after reducing the file size, trying rebooting your computer to clear any cached memory and then try again.

Scanner Settings

Several factors must be considered when scanning documents for your agency. Each agency will need to develop their own best practices appropriate for their environment. Two settings often found on scanners and multi-function machines are:

Resolution: Generally scanners will offer a scanning resolution setting expressed in “dpi” or dots per inch. The lower the setting the smaller the file size, but the worse quality of image produced. With most documents, a setting of 150dpi seems to work well.

File formats: You particular scanner or and multi-function machines may be capable of producing a variety of file formats (e.g., .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png, .tif, .tiff ). You should test your own equipment to see which resolution and file format settings create the smallest file size with acceptable visual quality.

Document Retention

Your agency may need to develop document retention rules. Refer to the State Records Center site for record retention information.