Reports and Processed Documents​


Reports can be generated to provide you with information about your agency’s transactions. Two options are presented on the Reports screen: Adjustment and Audit. Audit reports are generated only in PDF format and will report the approval history of a document – for each adjustment transaction, the approver’s names and approval levels that have been completed will be displayed.

Processed Documents will help you find adjustments that have been sent to STARS and view the approval history of documents.

Adjustment Reports

1. Select Adjustments from the Statewide Accounting System menu.

2. Click the Reports tab.

3. Select Adjustment Report.

4. Choose report criteria.

Figure 1 - Reports tab


The report criteria include:

Selectable criteria

  • Status
  • Batch Type
  • Batch Date (the date transactions went to STARS)
  • Trans Code (transaction code)
  • Index
  • PCA

Searchable fields

(Use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard in ‘searchable’ fields)

  • Doc - Document number
  • Invoice # - Invoice number
  • Group - Group name
  • Vendor # and Sfx – Vendor number and suffix

4. Click PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report. Reports are then generated and displayed in the file format you select - PDF, text, or comma separated value (CSV) format. The reports can be saved to your computer.

Note the following: 
  • The Status criteria selection will only display status for existing documents. If no documents exist for any given status (e.g., Released,) that status will not appear on the menu. If you have just changed the status of your documents, you may have to exit the application and open it again to refresh the Reports Status selection.
  • The transaction code (Trans Code), Index, or PCA criteria selection will show only those codes that have been used on the Adjustments documents for your agency.
  • In the Searchable Fields section, you do not have to type the complete information. For example you only have to type the first few letters of a vendor name to get a report that finds all vendors beginning with what you have typed. You can also use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard.

Adjustment Audit Report

The report menu and criteria are the same as the Adjustment Report. The only output selection is PDF. The approver’s names and approval levels that have been completed (checked check boxes), and important fiscal codes will be displayed.

Figure 2 - Example of an audit report


Processed Documents

Processed documents are those that have been uploaded to STARS.

1. Select Processed from the main Adjustments menu.

2. Enter at least one of the following: a Batch Date, a Batch Number, a Batch Range (date range), a Document number, a Batch Type, or a Group name. Or choose a combination of these criteria.

3. Click Find.

Figure 2 - Processed documents


4. Click Select to view the transaction and coding details of a document.

5. Click View History to view the approval history of the document.

Figure 3 - Details and history