Legacy: Deleting Time Sheets

Purpose: If a time sheet should not be processed or has an invalid position it can be deleted for the current pay period.
Deleting time sheets that have been archived for the current pay period
  • Go to Employee Time Sheets on the left navigation in I-Time.
  • Select the appropriate Time Entry Location (TEL) for review. All current time sheets for that TEL will be displayed.
  • Scroll through the time sheet review until the time sheet to be deleted is found and click on 'Archived'.
  •  A new page will open. Select 'Mark Deleted' to delete the archived time sheet.
Note: If a time sheet needs to be deleted, the Central Payroll Officer (CPO) should work very closely with their payroll technician at the Division of Statewide Payroll (DSP) to ensure the necessary batches are deleted from the payroll system.  Deleting a time sheet after it has been uploaded does not remove the batch that was uploaded for payroll processing.  If a time sheet is 'Mark Deleted', the agency must also submit a Payroll Remarks to have the batch deleted. 
Mark Deleted
The 'Mark Deleted' option should only be used when a time sheet should not be processed.  No further action can be taken on a deleted time sheet. When the 'Mark Deleted' link is clicked, the following message will be displayed: "Are you sure you want to mark timesheet as deleted?".  
If an agency determines they need to submit a time sheet after it has been marked for deletion, they must contact the DSP Help Desk to have the time sheet completely deleted before a new time sheet can be created with a new batch number. 
How to delete time sheets with Invalid PCNs
If an employee has entered a time sheet for a PCN they are no longer active in as of the current payroll, the CPO will have the option to 'Delete Invalid PCN'
  • Go to View/Print Reports
  • Select 'View/Print Time Sheets' from the drop-down menu. 


  • Select the appropriate information:
                Termed Employee/Position
                Type of time sheet you are retrieving
                Pay period for the deletion
  • Click on Delete Invalid PCN


  • When 'Delete Invalid PCN' link is clicked, the following message will be displayed: "Are you sure you ​​want to delete this time sheet?". Click 'OK'.
  • A confirmation of the time sheet's deleted status will appear.
Note: The Central Payroll Officer is the only role with the authority to delete a time sheet for an invalid PCN. An agency cannot use this deletion process if the time sheet is for a future pay period. The agency must contact DSP Help Desk to have the time sheet(s) deleted.