Hold File Error Codes

The following describes some of the error codes or messages you may encounter on the FAS Hold File. To look up other error codes:

  1. While in the Hold File, press HOME, then press SHIFT+TAB to move your cursor to the INTERRUPT field.
  2. Type 90 and press ENTER.
  3. On the NEWS/HELP TABLE (S090) screen, type R in the FUNCTION field.
  4. Type the error code in the KEYWORD field, and press ENTER. The explanation will be displayed.
  5. Press F4 to close the active INTERRUPT screen and return to the previous screen.

Error Code

Error Message

Error Message


AH01RECALL FIRSTFAS-HOLD FILE-RECALLYou must recall the record before you can perform any action on it.
AH02THIS REC ALREADY DELFAS-HOLD FILE-DELETEDYou are not allowed to change or delete a hold file record that has been previously deleted.
AH03NOT A STARS PROPERTYFAS-HOLD FILE-PROPERTY NUMBER, COMPONENT NUMBER AND SEQUENCEYou are not allowed to recall a hold file record that did not originate in STARS. Use screen 35A or 35B to recall this record.
AH04SEL MUST BE S OR XFAS-HOLD FILE-SELECT INDICATORWhen selecting a particular property from the 32 screen, you must use "S" or "X" in the select column.
AH05FUNCTION NOT 'S'FAS-HOLD FILE-FUNCTIONWhen selecting a particular property from the 32 screen, you must use "S" in the FUNCTION field.
AH06NO REC IN THIS AGYFAS-HOLD FILE-PROPERTY FILE HOLD RECORDSWhen using the first record function (F), if there are no records for the agency specified, error message AH06 is returned.
AH07NO SELECTION ENTEREDFAS-HOLD FILE-SELECT INDICATORWhen selecting a particular property from the 32 screen, you must use “S" or “X" in the Select column.
AH08REF REC NOT FOUNDFAS-HOLD FILE-REFERENCE PROPERTY NO AND REFERENCE COMPONENT NOWhen adding multiple assets to replace a single asset, the reference property number and reference component number must exist in the FAS hold file.
AH10NOT ALLOW CHANGE AMTFAS-HOLD FILE-ACQUISITION AMOUNTThe acquisition amount originally entered in STARS cannot be changed to a different amount in FAS.


Hold File STARS Message

Error CodeError MessageError MessageDescription
AH11REF PROP PREV POSTEDFAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-REFERENCE PROPERTY NO AND COMPONENT NOThe reference property and component number entered on this transaction has already been posted and balanced (remaining balance is zero).  No additional entries are allowed for this reference property and component.
AH12DEL DETAIL TRANS 1STFAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-PROPERTY NUMBER AND COMPONENT NUMBERWhen an original property and component have been split into multiple assets, then the individual multiple assets must all be deleted before the original property and component can be deleted.
AH13REM AMT < 0FAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-REMAINING AMOUNTWhen an original property and component amount are being split into multiple assets, then the individual multiple asset amounts in total cannot be more than the original amount.
AH14PROP#/REF PROP# SAMEFAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-PROP & COMP NO/REF PROP & COMP NOWhen an original property and component are being split into multiple assets, then the original property number becomes the reference property number on the new transactions. The new property/component numbers cannot be the same as the original property/component numbers.

If you attempt to recall a real property using screen 33A, error message AH15 is returned.

Every property in the FAS hold file is assigned one of two property types as follows:

P - personal property

R - real property

Screens 33A and 33B can be used to recall FAS hold file records that were originally entered in STARS as follows:

Screen 33A - personal property

Screen 33B - real property

AH16REF REC WAS DELETEDFAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-REFERENCE PROP NO AND REFERENCE COMP NOYou are not allowed to add new properties (multiple asset situation) to a reference property number after it has been deleted.
AH17CHANGE NOT ALLOWEDFAS-HOLD FILE FROM STARS-REFERENCE PROP NO AND REFERENCE COMP NOYou are not allowed to change a reference record after you have split it out to one or more property records (multiple asset situation).
AH19REF PROP NOT POSTEDREFERENCE PROPERTYOnce a property has been split to at least one new property (multi asset situation), then the reference property may not be deleted before it has been posted (reconciled). If the status of the reference property is 'E', then the AH19 error message is returned if the user attempts to delete it.



When adding new property numbers in a multiple asset situation, the funding sources entered on the new property must match any of the funding sources on the reference property number (original property number).

Note:  Index and PCA are ignored on this edit.

To correct the error, review the funding sources entered and correct the funding sources to match the funding sources on the reference property record.

AH22AMOUNT CHGS NOT ALLOWDADT AMT, DEPR AMOUNTS, REP VAL, SALV VALThe FAS FH record amount fields can not be changed when performing function 'D'.


Hold File Select 

Error CodeError MessageError MessageDescription
WH01REMAIN AMT NOT ZEROREMAINING AMOUNTRemaining amount is not equal to zero.  This occurs when all monies in a multi-asset transaction have not been allocated. FAS requires the dollar amount extracted from STARS be 100% allocated in FAS.

Remaining amount is not equal to zero.  This occurs when all monies in a multi-asset transaction have not been allocated properly to multiple funds. Amounts extracted from STARS must be 100% allocated by funding source in FAS.

(F7 Funding Source & F8 Optional Fund Source should equal the child amount.)


Hold File Fund Message

Error CodeError MessageError MessageDescription
AH20FUND CHGS NOT ALLOWDFUND, FUND DETAIL, GRANT/PHASE, PROJECT/PHASE, PCA, INDEX CODEThe data elements which comprise the FAS funding source elements (fund, fund detail, grant/phase, project/phase, PCA & Index) cannot be changed on property transactions that originate in STARS.