Fiscal Policies Inter-Fund Borrowing
There are instances when a fund is nearing a zero cash balance but has expenses to be paid. The purpose of this policy is to improve the accountability of cash being borrowed between funds intended for meeting short-term (less than one year) cash flow needs.
In order to properly account for cash advances received from another fund or cash advances made to another fund, the following criteria must be met:
Agencies will not be allowed to use cash advances to manipulate funds. There must be a documented, true short-term (less than one year) cash flow need with an identified receivable used as collateral.
To record an advance to another fund, enter STARS transaction code (TC) 540 using all required data elements for this TC. To record an advance from another fund, enter STARS transaction code 541 using all required data elements for this TC. Both transactions are required to complete the entries on the General Ledger.
At the time the advance is no longer required, enter the same transaction codes used to establish the advance, but include the reverse indicator “R".
If interest is required to be exchanged, an expense will be charged to the receiving fund and revenue will be recorded for the advancing fund. To reduce the issuing of warrants, transaction code 24A may be used to record the expense, and transaction code 17A (or other appropriate revenue TC) may be used to record the revenue with both transactions processing at the same time.
The following examples show how to record a cash transfer from fund 0349 (originating fund) to fund 0348 (receiving fund), and how to record the repayment of the cash from fund 0348 to fund 0349.
Step 1 - To advance cash from one fund to another fund
A. Record the advance out of the originating fund:
Dr 1550 - Advances to Other Funds or AppropriationsCr 1003 - CashB. Record the advance into the receiving fund:
Dr 1550 - Advances to Other Funds or Appropriations
Cr 1003 - Cash
B. Record the advance into the receiving fund:
Dr 1003 - CashCr 2250 - Record Advances from Other Fund or Appropriations
Dr 1003 - Cash
Cr 2250 - Record Advances from Other Fund or Appropriations
Step 2 - To payback the cash advanced from one fund to another fund
A. Record the payback to the originating fund from the receiving fund:
Dr 1003 - CashCr 1550 - Advances to Other Funds or AppropriationsB. Record the payback from the receiving fund to the originating fund:
Cr 1550 - Advances to Other Funds or Appropriations
B. Record the payback from the receiving fund to the originating fund:
Dr 2250 - Record Advances from Other Fund or AppropriationsCr 1003 - Cash
Dr 2250 - Record Advances from Other Fund or Appropriations
Step 3 - Record interest expense and interest income if applicable
A. Record interest expense to the receiving fund:
Dr 4200 - ExpendituresCr 1003 - CashB. Record interest earnings to the originating fund:
Dr 4200 - Expenditures
B. Record interest earnings to the originating fund:
Dr 1003 - CashCr 4100 - Revenue
Cr 4100 - Revenue