Legacy: Personnel Field Information - IPOPS Personnel Actions

When an employee is hired into a classified position, some fields will be auto-populated on the IPOPS form.  The following fields will be populated based on the Change Reason, Position Type and the Appointment Type Combo:  Suffix, Class Code of the Position, FTE and Pay Period Hours from the Position, Schedule/Grade of the Class Code and FLSA Code for the Class Code.  The only Appointment Codes available in the drop-down are based on the combination of the Change Reason, Position Type and the Appointment Type Combo.  The Leave Codes are limited in the drop-down based on the populated fields.  If the PCN is changed, all auto-populated fields will be removed, any of the fields with information entered by the user will not be removed.
Effective Date - The effective date of the selected action.
Change Reason - A two-byte code that identifies which type of personnel action is being created. The AO change reason will be generated when a social security number is entered and the system does not find a match.  After the change reason selection is made, the program determines which fields are Mandatory, Optional and Not-Allowed.
M = Mandatory - This field is required.
O = Optional - This field is optional.  Leave optional fields blank unless the data in the field is changing.
N = Not-Allowed - Leave this field blank.
Note:  When using the 'CC', 'CD' and 'CO' change reasons - the current performance evaluation on file must be within 12 months from the effective date, not within 12 months from the date the action is being created.
Position Control Number - A unique number assigned by the agency to identify each position within an agency.  Valid position control numbers (PCN) will be displayed in a drop-down list.
​​Note:  Unique PCNs must be between 0001 and 8999 and may not have more than 3 incumbents.  Group PCNs must be between 9000 and 9999. 
Tip - New positions that are established for the next fiscal year will not be displayed in the drop-down list until DSP updates the databases (IPOPS, mainframe and servers). 
Appointment Code Combo - Select the appropriate appointment code combination from the drop-down list. This code identifies the type of employee that is filling the position.  It is a combination of three codes - Jurisdiction, Appointment and Employee Type.  For more detailed information about appointment code combinations, use this link Appointment Code Combinations.
Suffix - This field further identifies the type of employee filling the position.  Select one of the following from the drop-down list:
N = Non-Applicable – employee is neither an agency head nor underfilling.
H = Agency Head
U = Underfill
Note:  Most employees will be coded as an 'N'.  If an employee is hired into a classification that is less than the classification of the position (for training purposes), a 'U' must be selected.  When the training period is complete, the employee will be placed into the classification of the position and the suffix code is changed to a 'N'.
Pay Status - Pay status is a single letter that identifies if the employee is Active, Inactive, or Terminated. 
A = Active
B = Inactive with Pay (Sabbatical / Suspension)
I = Inactive without Pay
T = Terminated
X = Transfer to Other Agency
Work Type - The work type must be consistent with the FTE and pay period hours coded for the employee. If the combination is not valid, an error message will be displayed.
There are two ways to select the work type code.  First, you may click on the drop-down list and select the proper code.  Second, you can click on the blue check mark icon and a window will open with a drop-down list of all available work type codes and descriptions.  Select the appropriate work type code and click 'RETURN INFO'.  Use this link for a complete list of Work Type Codes and Descriptions.

Remember - For an appointment code combination 'NRM', the work type must be PB, PF, PP or PT. 
Class Code - This field identifies the employee's job title. The class code is a five-digit number. Classified class codes begin with a zero (0) or eight (8), non-classified class codes begin with all other numbers.  (For more information, visit the IDHR Website.)
To select the new class code, click on the blue check mark icon and a window will open with a drop-down list of all available class codes and descriptions.  Select the appropriate class code or description, click 'RETURN INFO'.  You have the capability to search by class title descriptions or by class code number. Select the appropriate information from the drop down-list and then click 'RETURN INFO'. This action will return both the class code number and title to the document.

Each class code has an assigned pay grade and FLSA code.
There will be edits for the following issues:
  • There will be an error message if the position type is classified and the pay grade on the personnel action does not match the pay grade assigned to that class code.
  • There will be an error message if the position type is non-classified, but the incoming class code on the personnel action is classified and the pay grade on the personnel action does not match the pay grade assigned to that class code.
  • There will be an error message if the employee's jurisdiction code is classified and the incoming position type is non-classified.
  • There will be an error message if the employee's jurisdiction code is non-classified and the incoming position type is classified.
  • There will be a warning message if the position type is classified and the incoming FLSA does not match the FLSA assigned to that class code. 
  • There will be no message if the position type is non-classified and the incoming FLSA does not match the FLSA assigned to that class code. 
  • There will be a warning message if the position type is classified and the incoming class code on the personnel action does not match the class code assigned to that position.
  • There will be no message if the position type is non-classified and the incoming class code on the personnel action does not match the class code assigned to that position. 
FTE - An annual percentage to indicate the number of pay periods an employee is to be paid during a calendar year.  Code 1.00 if the employee is paid biweekly and is scheduled to work 26 pay periods. 
Calculation Formula: Number of months worked (employee) divided by 12.

Pay Period Hours - The number of hours an employee is scheduled to work during a pay period.  Code 80.0 for a full-time employee being paid biweekly. Judicial employees working full time should code 173.3.
If the time sheet required field is coded ‘N’ and the employee’s rate indicator is ‘H’, the hours coded in pay period hours field will be used to calculate the employee’s pay. Employees must work 80.0 hours in a pay period and have 1.00 for their FTE to be time sheet required 'N'.
For employees whose rate indicator = ‘A’ or ‘D’, the coded hours will be used for credited state service accrual.

Schedule/Grade - select the appropriate schedule/pay grade combination from the drop-down list. 

  • Schedule – Compensation Pay Schedule  
    • One (1) numeric or alpha character
    • Currently, three schedules are in use:
      • ​​​​H = Hay – Classified
        • ​​Note:  For more information on the Hay Compensation Schedule, visit the IDHR Website
      • ​​0 = Non-Classified
      • 3 = Military
  • Classified appointments must use the 'H' Schedule
  • Non-classified appointment can use either the 'H' or '0' schedule.
  • Only Military can use Schedule 3
Grade – Range of pay for employee's comp​ensation
  • Classified - One (1) Alpha Character
  • Non-Classified - Two (2) alpha and/or numeric characters
    • ​If Schedule '0' is used, Grade must be '00'
  • Non-Classified or Classified
    • ​If employee's class code is “classified" the pay grade must match the grade assigned to the employee's class code. 
Step – Non-Classified only
  • If Schedule/Grade '000' is selected, '00' must be entered in the Step field.
  • If Schedule 3 (Military) is used, the step field, (2 numeric characters) must be entered

Rate Indicator -This is the code showing the method of payment for an employee.  Most employees are paid an hourly rate.
There are three options that you may use:
A = Annual
D = Daily
H = Hourly
Employees with a rate indicator of 'D' (daily) must be time sheet required 'Y'.
Time Sheet Required -This field indicates if the employee is to be automatically paid 80 hours each biweekly payroll or if a time sheet must be submitted for the employee to get paid.
Y = A time sheet or other earnings action is required for hours to be paid.
N = A time sheet is not required.  Hours will be generated based on pay period hours on the employee’s record.
If the time sheet required field is coded ‘N’ and the employee’s rate indicator is ‘H’ (hourly), the employee must be coded full time (FTE = 1.00, and PPH = 80.00).  However, if there are any exceptions (leave, overtime, overrides, holidays, etc.) all hours must be submitted on a time sheet.
If an employee is a new hire at an agency and is set up as time sheet required 'N', but the effective date is not a pay period begin date, all hours for the pay period must be coded.
An employee whose rate indicator is ‘D’ (daily), or work type 'PB' or ‘PT’ (part-time with benefits) or 'PF' or ’PP' (part time - without benefits), the time sheet required field must be coded with a ‘Y’.  If the FLSA code equals 'F' and pay period hours equals 106.00, the time sheet required field must equal 'Y'.
A full-time employee with a FLSA code 'E', must have the time sheet required field coded with a 'N'.
Rate/Salary - The employee's pay rate. Field length is 7.2.
If Schedule 'H' is selected, the rate must be an hourly rate and must be within the rate range assigned to the pay grade.  The Military Division should enter the rate which fits within the range for the step selected.  When the "0" schedule is used, there is no edit on the range.
Unemployment Indicator - This field indicates if the employee is eligible for unemployment or not.
Y = Employee is eligible for unemployment insurance
N = Employee is not eligible for unemployment insurance
Listed below are the types of employees who are Exempt from Unemployment Insurance:
Elected Officials
Members of a legislative or judicial body, Army or Air National Guard
Board Members
Individuals impressed into the service for civil emergencies
Inmates of custodial or penal institutions
Agency directors in major non-tenure policy making or advisory positions
A full-time student - if employed by the same institution they are attending
A patient, student nurse or medical intern of a hospital if employed by such hospital.
*** Agency 511- Employees in pay location 10, must have an unemployment indicator of 'N'.  Authorized originators at this agency will receive a warning message if they are coding an unemployment indicator of 'N' for an employee not in pay location 10.
FLSA Code - This field indicates how the employee is defined under the Fair Labor Standards Act.  The FLSA code determines employee's overtime eligibility.
  • An exempt FLSA code ('A', 'I', 'P' or 'S') must use an exempt leave code (AP, BP, CP or DP).
  • An exempt FLSA code ('E') must use an exempt leave code (AG, BG, CG or DG).
  • Annual employees in pay group 01 cannot use FLSA code 'C'.
Classified employees will receive a warning message if the incoming FLSA code does not match the FLSA code of the incoming class code.  You can click 'Cancel' on the warning message and select the appropriate FLSA code if desired.  For additional FLSA information.
There are two ways to select the FLSA code.  First, you may click on the drop-down list and select the proper code. Second, you can click on the blue check mark icon and a window will open with a drop-down list of all available FLSA codes and descriptions.  Select the appropriate FLSA code and click 'RETURN INFO'.

Leave Code - This field indicates if the employee accrues credited state service and the rate of accrual for sick and annual leave.  The leave code is based on an employee's credited state service (CSS) hours.
  • An exempt leave code (AP, BP, CP or DP) must be used with FLSA codes 'A', 'I', 'P' or 'S'.
  • An exempt leave code (AG, BG, CG or DG) must be used with a FLSA code 'E'.
  • A MC change reason must be entered when updating an employee to a leave code of AX, BX, CX, DX, AY, BY, CY, DY, AZ, BZ, CZ or DZ.
  • Employees that are not eligible for benefits (PERSI and health insurance) must use leave code 'VT'.
There are two ways to select the leave code: click the drop-down list and select the proper leave code or click the blue check mark icon and a window will open with a drop-down list of all available leave code descriptions.  Select the appropriate leave code and click 'RETURN INFO'.
Note:  When an employee reaches their CSS longevity milestone, change reason 'CL' is system generated from payroll to update the employee's leave schedule. The 'CL' change reason is generated for all pay schedules - Hay (H), Military (3) and 000 for all employees with leave codes that begin with A, B, C, or D.   Leave Code Chart
Contract Holdback % - This field is no longer used.         
Overtime Accrual - This field indicates if the employee’s overtime hours will be accrued ‘Y’ or not ‘N’.  If necessary, this can be overridden on the time sheet.
Y = Accrue
N = Do not accrue (pay)
IPOPS will only allow the overtime accrual switch to be a 'N' when the employee’s FLSA code falls within the covered category.  Employees will only be paid for overtime if their FLSA code falls within the covered category. 
RHH Accrual - Only employees engaged in correctional, firefighting and law enforcement activities with a FLSA code of 'F' or 'L' may accrue RHH.
Y = Accrue
N = Do not accrue or employee is ineligible for RHH
Shift Indicator -This field is used to determine an employee’s eligibility to receive shift differential pay. In order to be eligible for shift differential pay, an employee must spend 50% or more of their time working between 6:00 pm and 7:00 am during a week.  Employees who are eligible for shift pay, will be paid shift pay for all hours reported.  The shift indicator can be overridden on the time sheet for a particular week(s).  Use this link for a complete list of Shift Indicators
  • Employees with a FLSA code 'B', 'D', 'E', 'J', 'N' or 'Q' are not eligible for shift differential pay.
  • Employees with a rate indicator 'D' (daily) and a FLSA code 'N' are not eligible for shift differential pay.
  • Employees with a rate indicator 'A' (annual) are not eligible for shift differential pay.
DHR Register # - Enter the Division of Human Resource's register number. DHR register number can be between one and eight characters and is optional for Non-Classified appointment types but is required for Classified appointment types.
Remember - A DHR register number is required for all entrance and promotional Classified probationary appointments. 
Retro Date - This field is used if an action has been delayed. The retroactive date allows the action to be posted for payroll purposes. The retroactive date is for informational purposes only and cannot be used alone.
Override Amount - The pay period amount for an annual employee or an hourly rate.
Note: When using the override amount, the override start date and override end date must also be coded.
Override Start Date - Date must be chosen from the drop-down list, must be a pay period begin date, cannot be retroactive and indicates when the override pay should begin. The drop-down list includes the current pay period, three prior pay periods and 12 future pay periods.  The three prior pay periods are used to process rate/salary corrections through payroll.  An example is an adjustment for an employee paid annually.
Override End Date - Date must be chosen from the drop-down list and must be the pay period end date that indicates when the override pay should be discontinued.  The drop-down list includes the current pay period end date, three prior pay period end dates and 27 future pay period end dates.  The three prior pay period end dates are used to process rate/salary corrections through payroll.  An example is an adjustment for an employee paid annually.
If an hourly employee with a 'CO' in current class needs to have the override end date extended, another 'CO' action must be processed with the same rate and a different override start and end date.  For correction purposes, an existing override end date for an hourly employee can be changed by using change code 'MW' and selecting an earlier date.
When an employee with an annual salary has a current override and receives a salary change, all override fields must be re-entered.
Note:  An existing override end date cannot be removed by selecting an ' * ', an actual date must be selected from the drop-down list. 
Adj Contract Amt - Only used for employees with an 'Annual' rate indicator.  Enter the actual dollar amount the employee should be paid for the twelve months or contract period.
Note:  If the effective date is not a pay period begin date, all override fields are required.
Pay Group - This code identifies which pay group an employee belongs to. This field is not editable.
01 = all agencies except Judicial and Universities
06 = Universities
20 = Judicial
End Date - Must be a pay period end date.  This field was added for Board of Examiners (BOE) purposes only and is used to return the FLSA, Leave Code or Overtime Switch to what it was prior to the MC being processed.  If an agency needs to end a 'MC' early, a 'MD' action can be created with an asterisk (*) in the 'End Date' field.