Reports​ and Processed Documents


Two types of Cash Receipts reports are available – a Cash Receipts Report and an Audit Report. Each type searches for specific criteria that you select. The Cash Receipt report can be produced in PDF, .txt, or .csv formats. The Audit report can be produced in PDF format only.

Create a Cash Receipt Report

1. Choose any combination of selectable Report Criteria. In addition, you can enter any combination of search criteria in the Searchable Fields.

Figure 1 - Cash Receipt report screen example


2. If you select Tran Code, the entire Cash Receipts document that has at least one transaction with that transaction code (TC) will be printed. This means you may see other transactions with different transactions codes because they are on the same document as the transaction that has the TC you selected.

3. If you enter/select a specific Batch Date in the criteria, be aware that a batch date is not assigned until STO releases the batch. So if you select a Batch Date, any document with that Batch Date and a status of of ‘Awaiting STO’ will not be found.

4. If desired, select Show Code Detail (PDF only) to print the fiscal coding on the PDF version of the report.

5. If desired, select Show Deposit Detail (PDF only) to print the deposit types and amounts on the PDF version of the report.

6. Select a Sort option to sort the results by.

7. Click a file type to generate the report – PDF Report, TXT Report (text file), CSV Report (comma separated value). If a PDF report is blank, it means there are no transactions that meet your report criteria.

Create an Audit Report

The Audit report form is the same as Cash Receipts Report form, except that there are no ‘Show Detail’ options and the report is available only in PDF format.

1. Choose any combination of selectable Report Criteria. In addition, you can enter any combination of search criteria in the Searchable Fields (see above).

2. If you select Tran Code, the entire Cash Receipts document that has at least one transaction with the transaction code (TC) you select will be printed. In other words, you may see other transactions with different transactions codes because they are on the same document as the transaction that has the TC you selected.

3. If you enter/select a specific Batch Date in the criteria, be aware that a batch date is not assigned until STO releases the batch. So if you select a Batch Date, any document with that Batch Date and a status of of ‘Awaiting STO’ will not be found.

4. Click PDF report. If a PDF report is blank, it means there are no transactions that meet your report criteria.

View Processed Documents

1. From the main Cash Receipts menu, click Processed. Documents that have been sent to STARS can be found here.

2. Enter a search criteria such as the Batch Date, Batch Number, a Batch Date Range, Document number, Batch Type, or Group name, and then click Find.

Figure 2 - Processed document search example


3. Click Select next to a document to view it’s “header” (the document number, Batch Type, Description, Group name, and Comments) as well as the fiscal coding.

Figure 3 - Processed Document example


4. Click the Attachment tab to view any attached, scanned documentation (there should be an asterisk on the tab if there are attachements).

5. Click Preview Deposit to view a PDF format of the “deposit slip” – the Check, Currency, Coin, and Warrant details and individual amounts.

6. Click View History to see who approved and released the document and when.