​​IM - Military Inactivation

 Purpose: This action allows an agency to inactivate an employee for Federal Military Service (USERRA) with pay.
  • This action is optional when the deployment period is less than 60 days.
  • The agency signer must approve the IM (Military Inactivation) personnel change before it is routed to DSP (Division of Statewide Payroll) for processing.

The effective date on the action must be the date on the employee's federal orders.

Note:  A time sheet should be submitted with MAD hours each payroll until the employee returns to active state employment

General Requirements for processing a 'IM' (Military Inactivation):

  • Position (pay) status must be equal to 'A' (active) in order to use this change reason.
  • If other Military Inactivation or Termination/Payoff actions have been created for the employee, those documents must be processed or deleted.
  • Similar to a separation, an IM will not post to the employee's record until after payroll is processed.

Note:  Only three Position Control Numbers (PCNs) will be displayed on the 'IM' action when an employee is active in more than three PCNs