Legacy: ​​​​​Hourly Earnings and Time Codes

Earnings code with asterisks in the description are described below:

* PERSI CONTRIBUTION will not be deducted from these earnings when a 090 transaction (payroll termination) is processing and the employee is separating from state service.
** Earnings code will appear on the employee’s pay stub.
***Agencies with FLSA 'F' and/or 'L' employees: Attorney General, Military Division, Corrections, Correctional Industries, Health & Welfare, State Police, Brand Inspector, Outfitters & Guides and Lottery Commission.


Click here to go directly to the COVID-19 time codes


ACT Actual Hours Worked (**ACTUAL) - Actual hours worked by an employee. The system uses these hours to calculate Overtime and Regular Hours Held. 

  • These hours will be converted by the system to (REG, OTP, OTS, RHH, etc.), as necessary.
  • The only hours worked excluded from this type of earnings are hours worked on a holiday, overtime with cost distribution overrides, or specific agency use codes. These hours should be reported with the appropriate earnings code (HOW, HOP, OTD, ONL, etc.).
  • ACT is not available for an employee with an appointment code of NRS.  This type of employee should code REG instead.  Their overtime will be calculated manually.
ADT Administrative Leave Taken (**ADMIN LV) - Approved leave with pay at the discretion of the appointing authority when such leave is in the best interest of the Department. No leave balance is reduced. Credited State Service and leave will accrue.  ADT may be used under the following conditions:
  • When the employee is being investigated
  • When the employee is in due process procedure of a disciplinary action
  • When the Governor, Appointing Authority or the designee declare a department facility is closed or inaccessible because of severe weather, civil disturbances, loss of utilities, or other disruptions
  • When the Appointing Authority deems it necessary due to an unusual situation, emergency, or critical incident that could jeopardize agency operations, the safety of others, or could create a liability situation for the agency
  • When Approved in advance by the Governor

ATT Attache Personal Leave Taken (**PL TAKEN) – Personal paid leave for legislative attaches to use during the session.  Employees are entitled to a maximum of 24 hours per session and the remainder will be paid off when separated. See House and Senate Attaches and Pages for more information.

ATP Attache Personal Leave Payoff (**PL PAID) – Payoff o​f remaining personal paid leave for legislative attaches.  Employees are entitled to a maximum of 24 hours per session and the remaining hours will be paid off using this code when a separation is processed using the SQ change reason. The SQ change reason must process through Payroll in order for the ATP to generate​​. Another separation reason, i.e. XO or SA, will not generate ATP for the legislative attaches. 
See House and Senate Attaches and Pages for more information.

CLF Contract Leave Faculty (**CONT F) - Used to establish a payment to a University contract faculty employee during the non-working portion of the year. Example: A faculty member who works nine months but is paid over twelve. Credited State Service accrues but leave does not. Used by Boise State University and the University of Idaho.
CLP Contract Leave Professional (**CONT P) - Used to establish a payment to a University contract professional employee during the non-working portion of the year. Example: A professional employee who works nine months, but is paid over twelve months. Credited State Service accrues but leave does not. Used by Boise State University and the University of Idaho.
*CPP Compensatory Time Payoff (**COMP PD) - Used to pay off an employee's Comp Time balance at the discretion of the agency. When multiple overrides to Labor Distribution are used for CPP, any portion of the payoff that accrues during the current pay period will be paid from the first override listed.  This earnings code can be coded during the same week it is earned as long as it is coded on a date after it is earned.
Note:  For FLSA S employees agencies code CPP.  The covered comp balance is paid first, then CEP is generated to pay exempt comp hours.  To pay Exempt Comp hours to an FLSA S employee on the IPOPS Special Payment action, CEP should be coded.
CPT Compensatory Time Taken (**COMP LV) - Leave taken by an employee.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s  covered or exempt comp time balance.  This earnings code can be coded during the same week it is earned as long as it is taken after it is earned.  If the employee has a balance for both covered comp time and exempt comp time, the covered comp time hours will be taken before the exempt comp hours are reduced.

Note: If an employee works overtime in week 1 and week 2, Overtime for both weeks is calculated and hours over the 240.0 max are paid as OTP before ​any CPT or CPP is calculated and hours over the 240.0 max are paid as OTP before any CPT or CPP hours are subtracted from the employee's comp balance.

NEW COVID-19 time codes

Timesheet Examples:


Additional information can be found on DHR's website or by clicking here DHR COVID-19 Workforce Guidance

CVA COVID-19 OT PAID 1.5 (**CV19OTPD) COVID-19 use only. Pays hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code (For a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period).
  • Considered to work just like OTP for ACA purposes. 

CVB COVID-19 OT ACC 1.5 (**CV19OTAC) COVID-19 use only. Accrues hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code (For a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period).
  • Considered to work just like OTA for ACA purposes. 

CVC COVID-19 OT PAID 1.0 (**CV19OTPD) COVID-19 use only. Pays hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with an FLSA code of 'S'.
  • Considered to work just like OPS for ACA purposes. 

Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime. After receiving approval, the agency should then process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S". The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.

CVD COVID-19 OT ACC 1.0 (**CV19OTAC) COVID-19 use only. Accrues hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with an ‘exempt’ FLSA code.
  • Considered to work just like OTS for ACA purposes. 
CVF COVID-19 Expand FMLA (**CV19FMLA) COVID-19 use only. Expanded FMLA provided by FFCRA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.
  • After 10 days of FMLA leave specifically related to COVID-19, this code can be used to pay employees up to 10 weeks of expanded FMLA for a specific qualifying event.
  • Code was only available from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
  • Only code two-thirds of employees regular pay. Employees may choose to supplement the one-third of unpaid time with their own accrued leave using FMV, FMS & FMC.
  • Employee is only eligible for this leave after 30 days of employment.
  • Does not use accrued leave balances.
  • Leave counts against the employee's FMLA balance.

Note:  If CVF is coded on a timesheet a warning message will be received. The timesheet can still be submitted by selecting OK on the warning message.

CVH COVID-19 Sick Leave (**CV19 SIC) COVID-19 use only. Emergency paid sick leave (ESPL) provided by FFCRA that is not included in FMLA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.

  • Allows full-time employees 10 days of paid sick leave at their full rate or two-thirds rate of pay depending on the specific qualifying reasons (pro-rated for part-time employees).
  • Code was only available from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
  • Only the employee can choose to use this earnings code.
  • Does not use accrued leave balances.
  • Leave does not count against the employee's FMLA balance.

CVL COVID-19 FMLA LWO (**CV19LWO) COVID-19 use only. FMLA leave without pay for use in conjunction with expanded FMLA provided FFCRA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.

  • Allows Employees an initial 10 days of LWO for specific qualifying reasons. If employee chooses to supplement with their own accrued leave during these first 80 hours, use time codes FMV, FMS & FMC.
  • Employees may also code CVL for the one-third that is unpaid during the 10 weeks of expanded FMLA in conjunction with CVF if choosing not to supplement the two-thirds rate with their own accrued leave.
  • Code was only available from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
  • Only the employee can choose to use this earnings code.
  • Leave counts against the employee's FMLA balance.

CVP COVID-19 FMLA Sick (**CV19 SIC) COVID-19 use only. Emergency paid sick leave (ESPL) provided by FFCRA. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.

  • Allows Employee 10 days of paid sick leave for specific qualifying reasons.
  • Code was only available from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.
  • Only the employee can choose to use this earnings code.
  • Does not use accrued leave balances
  • Leave counts against the employee's FMLA balance.

CVR COVID-19 REGULAR (**CV19 REG) COVID-19 use only. Telecommuting hours worked for COVID-19 and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.

  • When coding this type of time, Actual Hours Worked (ACT) cannot be used; all hours for the pay period must be coded. (Available to I-Time CPOs.)
  • Considered to work just like REG for ACA purposes. 

CVS COVID-19 ADV SICK (**CV19ASIC) COVID-19 use only. Advanced sick leave taken specifically due to COVID-19. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.

  • Available to both benefited and non-benefited state employees.
  • Code was only available from April 1, 2020 through May 10, 2021.
  • Provides up to 80 hours of sick leave to employees.
  • Benefitted employees are required to repay their sick leave balance with future accrual of sick leave.
  •  Used when employee has exhausted all accrued leave except vacation.
  • Considered to work just like SIC for ACA purposes.

CVT COVID-19 ADMIN LEAVE (**CV19 ADT) Administrative leave taken specifically due to COVID-19. Refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) for all requirements on use of this earnings code.

Effective June 14​, 2021 through December 31, 2021:
All State employees who receive the COVID-19 vaccine by December 31, 2021 are eligible to receive four (4) hours of paid COVID administrative leave (CVT).

  • Includes temporary employees
  • Employees who received the vaccine before the June 16, 2021 announcement are eligible for the four (4) hours of paid COVID administrative leave.
  • Employees who meet the eligibility requirements can use this leave through December 31, 2021.
  • The CVT leave must be coded prior to January 31, 2022
Please refer to updated DHR's COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Guidance memo COVID19-Vaccine-Incentive-Guidance

See COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive for State of Idaho Employees for additional information on all of the requirements associated with using the CVT earnings code.

April 1, 2020 through May 10, 2021 prerequisites when using CVT:

  • Provided up to 80 hours of administrative leave to full-time employees (pro-rated for part-time employees).
  • Considered to work just like ADT for ACA purposes.
  • Required pre-approval by DHR and Legal Counsel.

CVW CV19 HOL OT PAID 1.5 (**CV19OHPD) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code. CVW hours will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Considered to work just like HOW for ACA purposes. 

CVX CV19 HOL OT ACC 1.5 (**CV19OHAC) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code. HOA hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Considered to work just like HOA for ACA purposes. 

CVY CV19 HOL OT PAID 1.0 (**CV19OHPD) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'. CVY hours will be paid at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Considered to work just like HOP for ACA purposes. 

Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime. After receiving approval, the agency should then process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S". The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.

CVZ CV19 HOL OT ACC 1.0 (**CV19OHAC) COVID-19 use only. Hours worked on holiday by an employee with an ‘exempt’ FLSA code. HOS hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code CVR.
  • Considered to work just like HOS for ACA purposes. 
DIS Disaster Regular Pay (**DIS PAY) – This earnings code will only be used in a disaster situation. Refer to Disaster Recovery
DNO Organ Donation (**DON LV) - Leave taken for bone marrow or organ donation.  A maximum of five (5) days for bone marrow donation and thirty (30) days for an organ donation may be used.  No leave balance is reduced.  Credited State Service and leave will accrue.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
EXE Executive Leave (**EXECLV) – Absences from work less than or equal to 1/2 day for an employee with an ‘E’ FLSA code.  The amount of EXE allowed per day can vary each day depending on the hours worked.  Used by Department of Labor.  Idaho Code 67-5328 An executive can use this code, however the EXE hours entered must be less than or equal to the ACT hours entered on the same day.  For example, if Monday has 4 hours of ACT coded, an employee is allowed to code 4 hours or less of EXE on the same day.
FJC Family Medical Leave On The Job Accident Comp Time Taken (**FJC COMP) - Comp time taken for Family Medical Leave on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee's comp time balance.  This earnings code is used to track FMLA hours due to an on the job accident. 
FJL Family Medical Leave On The Job Accident Leave Without Pay (**FJL LWO) - Leave taken without pay for Family Medical Leave on the job accident. This earnings code is used to track FMLA hours due to an on the job accident and generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.
FJS Family Medical Leave On The Job Accident Sick (**FJS SICK) - Sick leave taken for Family Medical Leave on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s sick leave balance. This earnings code is used to track FMLA hours due to on the job accident.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
FJV Family Medical Leave On The Job Accident Vacation (**FJV VAC) - Vacation leave taken for Family Medical Leave on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s vacation balance. This earnings code is used to track FMLA hours due to on the job accident. 
FMC Family Medical Leave Comp Time Taken (**FML COMP) - Comp time taken for Family Medical Leave.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee's comp time balance.
FML Family Medical Leave Without Pay (**FML LWO) - Leave taken without pay for Family Medical Leave. This earnings code is used to track FMLA hours and generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.


FMP FMLA Parental Leave (**FML PAR) – Paid parental leave provided by the Families First Act (Executive Order 2020-03) to be used in conjunction with Family Medical Leave. See DHR policy for eligibility requirements.

  • Employee is entitled to 8 weeks of paid parental leave within a 12 month period
  • The 8 weeks maximum is a combination of earnings codes FMP, GDP, and PAR.
  • No leave balance is reduced. 
FMS Family Medical Leave Sick Taken (**FML SICK) - Sick leave taken for Family Medical Leave.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s sick leave balance.
FMV Family Medical Leave Vacation Taken (**FML VAC) - Vacation leave taken for Family Medical Leave.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s vacation leave balance.  
FSC Family Service member Comp Time Taken (**FSC COMP) - Comp time taken for Service member Family Medical leave. The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s comp time leave balance.
FSL Family Service member Leave Without Pay (**FSL LWO) - Leave taken without pay for Service member Family Medical Leave. This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan. 
FSS Family Service member Sick (**FSS SICK) - Sick leave taken for Service member Family Medical Leave.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s sick leave balance. 
FSV Family Service member Vacation (**FSV VAC) - Vacation leave taken for Service member Family Medical Leave.  The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s vacation leave balance.
*GCP Prior Covered Comp Payoff (**PRIORCMP) - GCP is used during calendar and fiscal year end to generate a payoff of comp time (covered employees) earned during any one-half fiscal year but not taken by the end of the succeeding one-half fiscal year.  The payoff will be paid in the first pay period of the new calendar or next fiscal year. For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures on the IDHR website, Idaho Code 67-5328(3)(d) and 59-1607(6).
GCT Generated Covered Comp Time Taken (**GEN COMP) - Comp​​ Time Generated through payroll when accrued overtime causes a FLSA covered employee to be paid less than a full week's pay.
  • Employee must have Pay Period Hours = 80.0 or above.
  • Employee must be accruing overtime, but will be 'paid' less than 40 hours for that week.
  • Earnings Code GCT will be generated to bring the employee's 'paid' hours up to 40 for that week. GCT will bring the employee's paid hours to a maximum of 40 hours, but will only autogenerate the number of hours they worked on te holiday. Ex: Exmployee is getting paid for 36 hours. They worked 2 overtime hours on the holiday. The system will GCT 2 hours to bring the total hours paid to 38 hours. They will not reach 40 hours since they only worked 2 hours on the holiday. GCT will generate the number of hours worked on the day of the holiday.
  • If the employee is active in more than one position during the pay period, GCT will be generated by position.
  • If no actual time is worked, GCT will not be generated.
  • GCT is only generated when ACT is entered for the regular hours worked and a holiday worked is entered on the holiday.
GET Generated Exempt Compensatory Time Taken (**GEN COMP) - Generated Exempt Comp Time will occur when an exempt employee, with Pay Period Hours = 80.0 or above, accrues any overtime, but will be 'paid' less than forty (40) hours for that week.  Earnings Code GET will be generated to bring the employee's 'paid' hours up to forty (40).  The program will only generate GET hours equal to the number of overtime hours the employee actually worked in that week.  If the employee is active in more than one position during the pay period, GET will be generated by position. If no actual time is worked during the pay period, GET will not be generated.
GLW Generated LWOP Other (**GEN LWO) - Generated Leave w/o Pay hours when the employee has exhausted all RHH and COMP, to bring the employee's total hours up to (80).  Only used by employees with FLSA code = L.
GRT Generated Regular Hours Taken (**GEN HELD) - Generated hours to bring an employee's 'paid' hours for the pay period up to (80). Hours are subtracted from the RHH balance.  Only used by employees with FLSA code = L.
HNL Holiday Not Worked Law (** HOLIDAY) - Hours paid at straight time that are not included in the calculation of hours worked or paid. This code will only be available to employee’s eligible for retirement.  This code was added for Idaho State Police to allow them to pay certain employees for holidays that fall on their regularly scheduled day off.  HNL hours will not be counted as hours paid when reducing the employee's paid hours to eighty (80) with Regular Hours Held (RHH).  Used by Idaho State Police.
HOA Holiday Worked Accrued (1.5) (**HOL @1.5) - Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code.  HOA hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.  Hours worked on a holiday should be coded as HOA, not ACT.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will include these hours as hours worked when calculating regular overtime and the employee's overtime accrual indicator is disregarded when this earnings is processed. 
HOE Executive Holiday Alternate (**EXEC HOL) - When an employee with an 'E' FLSA code works more than one half day on a designated holiday, they can take an alternative half or full day off as the holiday.  Code ACT on the holiday worked and the alternate holiday hours would be coded as 'HOE'.  HOE cannot be coded on a holiday. 
HOL Holiday Pay (Not Worked) (**HOLIDAY) - A day of exemption from work for which employees are paid as if they had worked. This code will only be available to employee’s eligible for retirement.
HOP Holiday Worked Paid (1.0) (**HOL @1.0) - Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'.  HOP hours will be paid at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.  Hours worked on a holiday should be coded as HOP, not ACT.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will include these hours as hours worked when calculating regular overtime and the employee's overtime accrual indicator is disregarded when this earnings is processed. 

 An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime.  After receiving approval, the agency should process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S".   The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.
HOS Holiday Worked Accrued (1.0) (**HOL @1.0) - Hours worked on holiday by an employee with an ‘exempt’ FLSA code.  HOS hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.  Hours worked on a holiday should be coded as HOS, not ACT.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will include these hours as hours worked when calculating overtime and the employee's overtime accrual indicator is disregarded when the earnings is processed.    Any overtime hours worked when an exempt employee is at their 240 hour maximum balance will be forfeited.  Employee's classified as 'Exempt' are allowed compensatory time off (CPT) but are ineligible for cash compensation for overtime work unless authorized by the State Board of Examiners.
HOW Holiday Worked Paid (1.5) (**HOL @1.5) - Hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code.  HOW hours will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.  Hours worked on a holiday should be coded as HOW, not ACT.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will include these hours as hours worked when calculating regular overtime and the employee's overtime accrual indicator is disregarded when this earnings is processed.  
HWL Holiday Worked Law (**HOL WORK) - Hours worked that are paid at time and a half.  These hours are included in the calculation of hours worked for regular overtime, but are not counted as hours paid when reducing the employee's paid hours to eighty (80) with Regular Hours Held (RHH).  This code was added for Idaho State Police to allow them to pay Holiday overtime to certain employees.  Used by Idaho State Police.
JAC On-The-Job-Accident Comp Taken (**JAC COMP) - Comp leave taken for an on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s comp time balance. 
JAE On-The-Job-Accident RHH Taken (**JAE RHH) - Regular hours held taken for an on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s RHH balance.
JAT On-The-Job-Accident Sick Taken (**ACCIDENT) - Sick hours taken with pay when an accident has occurred on-the-job and workers compensation is in effect. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s sick balance.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
JAV On-The-Job-Accident Vacation Taken (**JAV VAC) - Vacation leave taken for an on the job accident. The hours reported are subtracted from the employee’s vacation balance.
JUR Jury Duty (**JURY DTY) - Leave taken with pay when an employee is summoned to serve on a jury.  No leave balance is reduced. Credited state service and leave will accrue. (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
LWA LWOP On-The-Job-Accident (**LWOP-WC) - Leave taken without pay when an accident has occurred on the job.  If JAT is coded on an employee's time sheet and the employee does not have any leave balances, the system will default to LWA.  This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)

LWC COVID-19 Furlough (**CV19-FUR) COVID-19 use only. Leave taken without pay by an employee at the direction of the appointing authority as a cost savings measure due to COVID-19. This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.​
LWF LWOP Furlough (**LWOP-FUR) - Leave taken without pay by an employee at the direction of the appointing authority as a cost savings measure.  This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.
LWO LWOP Other (**LWOP-OTH) - Leave taken without pay given to an employee at the discretion of the appointing authority, or by leave default when the employee has exhausted all leave balances. This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
LWS LWOP Sick (**LWOP-SIC) - Leave taken without pay when an employee has no Sick balance available. Other leave balances may be used in order to prevent a leave without pay situation. This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.
LWU Unapproved LWOP (**LWOP) - Leave taken without pay without the approval of the appointing authority. This earnings code generates employer costs for health and life insurance if the employee currently is enrolled in a health/life insurance plan.
MAD Military Active Duty - Federal (**ACTV MIL) – Nonpaid hours for Affordable Care Act (ACA) purposes. The hours are entered on behalf of employees on Federal Active Military Duty and should reflect the employee's regular work schedule.  See Federal Military Service (USERRA) for more information.
  • *MDF/MDS hours still need to be submitted for employees returning from 'Federal Active Duty' per the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act (USERRA).
MDF Military Deployed Service – FMLA (**ADD FML) - This earnings code is processed via an IPOPS payroll MVA (Adjustment).  It is to be used only for adding hours towards FMLA eligibility for employees returning from ‘Federal Active Duty’ per the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act.  See Federal Military Service (USERRA) for more information. 
MDS – Military Deployed Service – CSS (**ADD CSS) - This earnings code is processed via an IPOPS payroll MVA (Adjustment).  It is to be used for adding hours to both Credited State Service and toward FMLA eligibility for employees returning from ‘Federal Active Duty’ per the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act.  See Federal Military Service (USERRA) for more information. 
MLF Military Leave Taken - 159 (**MILITARY) - Paid leave during eligible military service.  Employees are entitled to a maximum of 159 hours of paid military leave each calendar year.  See Federal Military Service (USERRA) for more information.   
  • Employee must have a FLSA code 'F'. 
  • Used by Military Division.
  • No leave balance is reduced.  
MLT Military Leave Taken - 120 (**MILITARY) - Paid leave during eligible military service.  Employees are entitled to a maximum of 120 hours of paid military leave each calendar year.  See Federal Military Service (USERRA) for more information.
  • No leave balance is reduced.
NWH Non-Working Hours (**CONT H) - Used to establish a payment to an employee during the non-working portion of the year.  Example: An employee who works nine months, but is paid over twelve. Credited State Service and leave do not accrue on these hours.  However, shift pay will be paid to employees who are eligible.  Used by Lewis & Clark State College and University of Idaho.
OCE On-Call Hours Earned (**CALL ERN) - Time when an employee is required to carry a pager, cellular phone, or to leave word at home or with the department where the employee may be reached if needed to work.  OCE hours are added to the employee’s On-Call Hour (OCH) balance, but do not accrue credited state service or leave.
OCH On-Call Hours Paid (**ONCALLPD) - Time when an employee is required to carry a pager, cellular phone, or to leave word at home or with the department where the employee may be reached if needed to work.  OCH hours are earned and paid that pay period, but do not accrue credited state service or leave.
OCP On-Call Hours Payoff (**CALL PAY) - On-Call hours paid off.  OCP hours are subtracted from the employee's On-Call Hours (OCH) balance.  If OCP hours coded is greater than the employee's current On-Call Hours balance, only the balance is paid off.  OCP hours do not accrue credited state service and leave.
OCT On-Call Hours Taken (**CALL LV) - Leave taken by an employee. OCT hours are subtracted from the employee’s On-Call Hours (OCH) balance.  If OCT hours coded is greater than the employee's current On-Call Hours balance, all OCT hours will be rejected. OCT hours accrue credited state service and leave.  This earnings code can be coded during the same week it is earned as long as it is taken after it is earned.


OFS BOE Overtime Paid 1.0 - (**OVT@1.0) Approved paid overtime. Used by employees with FLSA codes A, I, or P.

  • This earnings code can only be used upon emergency declaration by the governor or with the approval of the appointing authority and the board of examiners.
  • Employees using this earnings type will receive compensation for specific hours worked in addition to their normal schedules 
  • These hours are not included in the normal calculation of overtime and are paid at straight time.
  • The employee's overtime accrual indicator is disregarded for this earnings type.    
Example: In 2009 Public Health District employees used this earnings type to receive compensation above their regularly scheduled hours for time worked on federal contract H1N1 vaccine distribution activities.​  
ONL BOE Overtime 1.5 (**OVT@1.5) - Per Idaho Code 67-5302(20), ONL can be used by agencies only in the following situations:
Upon emergency declaration by the governor
With the approval of the appointing authority and the board of examiners.

ONL allows agencies to pay FLSA covered employees (C, L or S) for hours worked as overtime (1.5) in addition to their normal schedules.  Hours coded as ONL are not included in the automatic overtime calculation and will be paid at time and half. The ‘overtime accrual indicator’ on the employee’s personnel record is disregarded when ONL is used.
Note: Approval by the Board of Examiners is specific to the agency's request and does not allow ONL to be used in any other situations.
OPS Overtime Hours Paid (1.0) (**O/T @1.0) - Any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will generate and pay OPS hours at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40) only if the employee's overtime accrual indicator is set to pay (not accrue) overtime.
Note:   An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime.  After receiving approval, the agency should then process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S".   The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.
OTA Overtime Hours Accrued (1.5) (**COMP @1.5) - Any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code (For a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period).  Automatic Overtime Calculation will generate and accrue OTA hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).
OTD Overtime Distribution Override (**O/T DIST) - This code is used for overtime hours worked that need to have overrides to the cost distribution. This type of time is used in conjunction with ACT. The system will combine these hours with ACT to figure overtime and RHH and convert them to the appropriate earnings code.
OTP Overtime Hours Paid (1.5) (**O/T @1.5) - Any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with a ‘covered’ FLSA code (for a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period).  Automatic Overtime Calculation will generate and pay OTP hours at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay for hours the employee worked over forty (40).
OTS Overtime Hours Accrued (1.0) (**O/T @1.0) - Any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with an exempt FLSA code.  Automatic Overtime Calculation will generate and accrue OTS hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40) up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.  Any overtime hours worked when an exempt employee is at their 240 hour maximum balance will be forfeited.  Employee's classified as 'Exempt' are allowed compensatory time off (CPT) but are ineligible for cash compensation for overtime work unless authorized by the State Board of Examiners. 


PAR Paid Parental Leave (**PARENTLV) – Paid parental leave provided by the Families First Act (Executive Order 2020-03). See DHR policy for eligibility requirements.

  • Should only be used if the employee has reached their FMLA limit. (See earnings code FMP)
  • Employee is entitled to 8 weeks of paid parental leave within a 12 month period
  • The 8 weeks maximum is a combination of earnings codes FMP, GDP, and PAR.
  • No leave balance is reduced.
PPL Prior Leave Pay (**PRIOR PY) - This code is for leave taken (SIC, VAC, etc.) or other non-worked hours (ADT, HOL, JUR, etc.) that should have been paid in a prior pay period.  This earnings code will not be included in the automatic calculation of overtime and is paid at the employee's current pay rate.  When entering PPL hours, all regular hours for the current pay period must also be coded.  After PPL is processed on payroll, it must be adjusted to the correct earnings code with a Payroll MVA Adjustment.  PPL earnings are paid at the employee's current rate.  (Available to I-Time CPOs.)
PPP Prior Pay Period Earnings (**PRIOR PY) - This code should only be used to pay an employee for hours worked that were not reported on a prior pay period.  PPP should not be used if the hours not reported, combined with hours that were reported result in overtime.  Any overtime hours should be coded on the IPOPS Payroll MVA Action.  PPP hours are not included in the automatic calculation of overtime and are paid at the employee’s current pay rate.  (Available to I-Time CPOs.)

REG Regular Hours (**REG PAY) - Hours worked and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.

  • When coding this type of time, Actual Hours Worked (ACT) cannot be used; all hours for the pay period must be coded.  (Available to I-Time CPOs.)
  • Employees with an appointment code of NRS must use this code for all non-work study hours worked.  Their overtime will be calculated manually.
RHH Regular Hours Held (**REG HELD) - Generated for FLSA 'F' and 'L' employees to reduce hours paid to eighty (80) in a pay period.  RHH is always earned at straight time and must be paid out upon transfer to a non FLSA 'F' or 'L' position, transfer to another state agency or separation from the state.  When coding this type of time, Actual Hours Worked (ACT) cannot be used and all hours for the pay period must be coded.  Available to agencies with FLSA 'F' and 'L' employees.
***List at the bottom of this page shows agencies with FLSA 'F' and 'L' employees.
*RHP Regular Hours Payoff (**HELD PD) - Used to pay off an employee's RHH balance upon separation from state service or at the discretion of the agency.  When multiple overrides to Labor Distribution are used for RHH, any portion of the payoff that accrued during the current pay period will be paid from the first override listed.  This earnings code can be coded during the same week it is earned as long as it is coded on a date after it is earned.
***List at the bottom of this page shows agencies with FLSA 'F' and 'L' employees.
RHT Regular Hours Taken (**HELD TKN) - Leave taken by an employee. The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s RHH balance.  This earnings code can be coded during the same week it is earned as long as it is taken after it is earned.
***List at the bottom of this page shows agencies with FLSA 'F' and 'L' employees.
RLT Red Cross Leave Taken (**RD CROSS) - Leave taken for a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) work hours, consecutively or non-consecutively, in any twelve (12) month period for a certified disaster service volunteer to participate in disaster relief service. No leave balance is reduced.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
RNR Rest and Recuperation (**REST) – Rest and recuperation time paid to firefighters when they are on an extended wildfire assignment and they are away from their home unit.  Used by Department of Lands.
SAD State Active Duty (**REG) – Regular paid hours for employees called up to State Active Duty.  SAD earnings will be transmitted to DSP with both hours and dollars.  Used by Military Division.
SFT Shift Differential (**SHIFT) - Use this code when overrides to expenditure distribution on shift hours is required or if paying shift hours for a prior pay period. When this code is used, all shift hours for the pay period must be coded in addition to any prior pay period SFT hours. If the employee's shift indicator is set to 'N', then a shift override indicator must process to make the employee eligible for shift. If the employee's shift indicator is set to anything other than 'N', no override is necessary to process SFT earnings.  (Available to I-Time CPOs.)
SHC Sick Hours Transferred  (**SIC TRAN) - This code designates the number of sick hours an employee transfers to another employee's sick balance. It will be set up using the Transfer of Sick Leave Hours/Receipt of Sick Hours (EIS-180S Form).  (For more information refer to DHR's Statewide Policy: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).)  
SHD Generated Sick Hours Received (**SIC RECD) - This code is generated and designates the number of sick hours an employee received from another employee's vacation balance. Balances are added to the database once the transaction is posted to the mainframe and prior to the payroll. It will be set up using the EIS-180 Leave Transfer Form. (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website​.)
SIC Sick Leave Taken (**SICK LV) - Leave taken in cases of actual illness or disability or other medical and health reasons, for the employee or immediate family, which require the employee's absence from work. The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s sick leave balance.

SUB Sub Teach Paid Leave (**SUB LV) - Paid time off to substitute teach in an Idaho School District (K-12). This is a temporary benefit offered to State of Idaho Executive Branch agency employees to support in-person learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. (For more information refer to the IDHR website.)​​​ 

  • ​Requires agency approval before use
  • No leave balance is reduced
  • Limited to 16 hours per pay period​
  • Agencies must submit the appropriate documentation to DHR in accordance with the policy
  • Code was only available from September 20, 2021 through June 10, 2022.

TEL TELEWORK REGULAR (**REG PAY) Telecommuting hours worked and compensated at the employee's regular rate of pay.

  • When coding TEL, Actual Hours Worked (ACT) cannot be used; all hours for the pay period must be coded. (Available to I-Time CPOs.)

THA TELE HOL OT ACC 1.5 (**HOL @1.5) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code. THA hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.

  • Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday should be coded as THA, not TEL.
  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG. 

THP TELE HOL OT PAID 1.0 (**HOL @1.0) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with FLSA code of 'S'.  THP hours will be paid at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday.

  • Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday should be coded as THP, not TEL.
  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG. 

Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime.  After receiving approval, the agency should process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S".   The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime. 

THS TELE HOL OT ACC 1.0 (**HOL @1.0) Telecommuting hours worked on holiday by an employee with an 'exempt' FLSA code.  THS hours will be accrued as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked on the holiday up to the maximum balance allowed of 240 hours.

  • Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday should be coded as THS, not TEL.
  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.
  • Any overtime hours worked when an exempt employee is at their 240 hour maximum balance will be forfeited. Employees classified as 'Exempt' are allowed compensatory time off (CPT) but are ineligible for cash compensation for overtime worked unless authorized by the State Board of Examiners.

THW TELE HOL OT PAID 1.5 (**HOL @1.5) Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code.  THW hours will be paid at 1.5 times the employee's regular rate of pay.

  • Telecommuting hours worked on a holiday should be coded as THW, not TEL.
  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.

TOA TELEWORK OT ACC 1.5 (**COMP@1.5) Accrues telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Must be hours worked as telecommuting
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week and by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code (For a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period).

TOP TELEWORK OT PAID 1.5 (**O/T @1.5) Pays telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.5 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Must be hours worked as telecommuting
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with a 'covered' FLSA code (For a 28 day cycle employee, any hours over 160 in a four week period). 

TOS TELEWORK OT ACC 1.0 (**O/T @1.0) Accrues telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Must be hours worked as telecommuting
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with an 'exempt' FLSA code.
  • Any overtime hours worked when an exempt employee is at their 240 hour maximum balance will be forfeited.  Employee's classified as 'Exempt' are allowed compensatory time off (CPT) but are ineligible for cash compensation for overtime work unless authorized by the State Board of Examiners.

TPS TELEWORK OT PAID 1.0 (**O/T @1.0)  Pays telecommuting hours as compensatory time at 1.0 times the hours the employee worked over forty (40).

  • Used in conjunction with earnings code TEL/REG.
  • Must be manually calculated.
  • Must be hours worked as telecommuting
  • Coded for any hours over forty (40) worked in a week by an employee with an FLSA code of 'S'.

Note: An agency must receive Board of Examiner approval in order to pay an Exempt employee their overtime. After receiving approval, the agency should then process the 'MC' change reason (Miscellaneous Update Action) to change the employee's FLSA code to "S". The 'S' FLSA code allows an Exempt FLSA code employee to be paid for their overtime.

VAC Vacation Leave Taken (**VAC LV) - Leave taken by employee with approval by the department. The hours submitted are subtracted from the employee’s vacation leave balance.
*VCP Vacation Leave Payoff (**VAC PD) - Used to pay off vacation in the following instances:
  • Upon approval from the Board of Examiners.
  • Under the Board of Education Policy, Section II.F
  • Under the Board of Education Policy, Section II.G
The VCP hours are paid on a Manual, or the agency CPO can add them to the employee's timesheet. 
Note: The Board of Education policies are only applicable to agencies under the board's jurisdiction.
VHT Vacation Hours Transferred (**VAC TRAN) - This code designates the number of vacation hours an employee transfers to another employee's sick balance. It will be set up using the EIS-180 Leave Transfer Form.  (For more information refer to the Administrative Rules and the Statewide Policies and Procedures at the IDHR website.)
WKS Work Study (**WRK STDY) – Hours worked as part of a federal or state work study program.  These hours are not counted as ACA service hours.
  • WKS is only available for employees with an appointment code of NRS
  • Any non-work study hours worked by an employee with an appointment code of NRS must be coded as REG.
  • Any overtime worked by an employee with an appointment code of NRS must be manually calculated by the agency. 

Used by Lewis Clark State College.​​

 *ZCP Compensatory Time Payoff Generated (**COMP PD) - This code is normally generated when a Separation Change Reason is processed through IPOPS; it can only be coded using an IPOPS Payroll Special Payment Action.
*ZEP Regular Hours Held Payoff Generated (**HELD PD) - This code is normally generated when a Separation Change Reason is processed through IPOPS; it can only be coded using an IPOPS Payroll Special Payment Action.
*ZVP Vacation Payoff Generated (**VAC PD) - This code is normally generated when a Separation Change Reason is processed through IPOPS.  However, if an agency chooses to override the Labor Distribution on the vacation payoff they can:
· Enter a Distribution Override, Index, PCA, Grant or Project.  All costs associated with the vacation hours paid, including hours accrued during the current pay period will be distributed to the override entered.
· Enter multiple distribution overrides.  All costs associated with the number of vacation hours entered will be distributed to the corresponding override.  Any additional vacation hours accrued during the current pay period will be distributed to the first override entered.
The effective date used on the IPOPS Payroll Termination action is the employee's separation date and should be the last day the employee reports time. 
Note:  Vacation leave is not paid when an employee transfers to another state agency without a break in service.