​​​​​​Welcome to Luma Series​

​In preparation for Luma Phase 1 go-live, the Organizational Change Management team has curated an infographic series titled "Welcome to Luma." This infographic series will highlight changes that will impact state employees, exciting new functionality to be watching for, and what roles and legacy systems will be affected. 

The Welcome to Luma Series will be released to change liaisons on a monthly basis and will be included in newsletters moving forward. Look at the infographics below to learn more about the Luma system and its functionality.

​Welcome to Luma Series - Infographic Repository 

Welcome to Luma_ Accounts Receivable.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Asset Management.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Awards.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Create a Customer.pdf

Welcome to Luma - Benefits Realization Document.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Birst Reporting and Dashboards.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Expense Management.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Purchase Card Non Travel.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Receive and Inspect Goods and Services.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Create a Customer.pdf

Welcome to Luma_ Spreadsheet Designer.pdf