The Budgetary administrator is responsible for Agency and User Maintenance.
Agency Maintenance includes being able to:
User Maintenance includes being able to:
Click the Agency tab to set up features of the application that will be specific to your agency, such as which type of transactions need to be approved by the agency, enabling e-mail notification, and defining the range of Batch Numbers.Figure 1 - Agency tab example 1. Check the corresponding check box next to Appropriation, G/P Budget, or Alloc/Plan, to require an agency approval step for these sections of the Budgetary application.
2. Check the Email Notification check box to enable e-mail notifications when budget documents are released. Returned documents generate an e-mail regardless if this is enabled.
3. Enter the Batch Range to define the range of batch numbers between 1 and 899. Batch numbers will then be automatically assigned when a document is sent to STARS.
4. Click Update.
Click the User Maint tab to add new users, assign roles (security), update users, and give or deny access to the application by making users active or inactive in the application.
1. Click Find New User to search and find users.2. Type the last name of the new user in the Last Name field. (Type the first few letters of a user’s name if you are not sure how it is spelled.)
Figure 2 - Find a new user screen example3. Click Find. If the user cannot be found, contact your payroll administrator to make sure that the user has been added to state payroll records.
4. Click Select next to the user’s name to add and then click OK to confirm adding the user.
5. Check the Active Budgetary User check box to grant the user access to the application.
6. Check each check box needed to assign roles and grant access to specific sections of the application – Appropriations, G/P Budget, or Alloc/Plans. (I.e., if G/P Budget is not enabled for a user, that user will not have access to the G/P Budget section of Budgetary.)
7. Check each check box needed to assign roles or permissions:
a. Approve to assign the user as an Approver.
b. Release to assign permission to release documents to STARS.
c. Admin to assign the user as an administrator of the Budgetary application. It is recommended to have at least two users added for this role so that one can serve as a backup.
8. Click Add User. Once added, the user’s name and the roles selected will be displayed.Figure 3 - Example of new user added
1. Click Select next to the name of the user.
2. Uncheck Active Budgetary User if you do not want the user to have access to application.
3. Check or uncheck each check box needed to assign roles (permissions) or access to specific sections of the application – Appropriations, G/P Budget, or Alloc/Plans.
4. Check or uncheck each check box needed to assign roles (permissions): Approve -to assign the user as an Approver; Release - to assign permission to release documents to STARS; Admin - to assign the user as an administrator of the Budgetary application.
5. Click Update User.
Click the Group Maint tab to add or delete groups. Administrators will be able to add, update existing group names and delete existing groups.
Group is simply an optional tag to help categorize the documents so they can be searched for by fiscal coders, approvers, or used for creating categorized reports. In the Budgetary application, group names apply to all three document types: Appropriations, Grant Project Budgets, and Allocations.
Figure 4 - Group Maintenance screen
1. Type a name for the group and then click Add. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.
2. Click Edit to edit a group name or Delete to delete a group.
The Budgetary administrator cannot change the e-mail address of a user. Instead, each user is responsible for updating their e-mail address. After logging on and selecting the Statewide Accounting System menu, the user must:1. Click Edit next to the e-mail address.2. Enter the correct e-mail address and then click Save.Figure 4 - Example of E-mail address change