Manage and Update Templates
1. From the Budgetary main menu, select Appropriations, G/P Budgets, or Alloc/Plans.
2. Click the Status tab.
3. Check the Template check box.
4. Click Find.
Figure 1 - Example of Status page for templates
5. Click Select next to a template.
6. To increase all amounts by a certain percentage, enter the percentage in the Pct increase box, and then click Apply.
Figure 2 - Example of applying a percentage increase
7. Make any other fiscal code changes as needed. (Do not use special characters or symbols, such as &,',“,<,and \, in the Description field.)
8. To delete a transaction row, click Del next to it.
9. Click Save & Continue.
10. To delete the entire template, click Delete Template.
To create a new template based on an existing template:
2. If not already selected, click the Status tab.
6. Enter a new Doc # and make changes to the description, amounts, fiscal codes, etc. as needed. Do not use the same document number that you plan on using for an Appropriation, G/P Budget, or Allocation document.
7. Do not use special characters or symbols, such as &,',“,<,and \, in the Description field.
8. Make sure the Save Detail check box is checked, and then click Save As & Continue.
Figure 3 - Example of saving a new template based on an existing template