Reports and Processed Documents
Reports can be generated to provide you with information about your agency’s budgetary transactions. There are also Processed documents reports (select Processed from the Budgetary main menu). Processed documents are those that have been sent to STARS.
1. From the Budgetary main menu, select Appropriations, G/P Budget, or Alloc/Plans, and then click the Reports tab.
2. Select either regular budgetary reports (e.g., Appropriations) or Audit reports. An Audit report differs in that it shows the approval history of a budgetary transaction – for each transaction, the approver’s names, and approval levels that have been completed will be displayed. Also, Audit reports are available only in PDF format.
Figure 1 - Report menu example
Reports can be generated in PDF, TXT, or CSV file formats, except for Audit reports, which are only available in PDF. PDF reports are formatted for printing in landscape on letter size paper. CSV or TXT files can be formatted in an application (e.g. MS Excel).
Also, you can select sort options on PDF reports so that the transactions are sorted by, for example, Invoice Number, Payment Date, Amount, etc. To sort by any other fields not listed for PDF reports, choose the CSV format, which can be opened in MS Excel, and then any column can be sorted.
You can enter or select a several criteria in order to query report data and generate a report. These criteria are optional.
1. Select a status of the transaction you wish to query, for example, Awaiting Approval, Awaiting DFM Release, Sent to STARS, etc.
2. Enter or select a Batch Date.
3. Select a Transaction Code, Index, and/or PCA.
4. For G/P Budget reports and Allocation, Financial, and Revenue Plan reports, select a GL Type.
5. Click PDF Report, TXT Report, or CSV Report to generate a report in the respective file format. Audit reports are only available in PDF.
Figure 2 - Appropriations Report query
Figure 3 - G/P Budget Report query
Figure 4 - Allocation, Financial, Revenue Plan report query
Processed documents are those that have been sent to STARS.
1. Select Processed from the Budgetary main menu.
2. Choose search criteria: Batch Date, Batch number, Batch Date range, or Group.
3. Click Find.
Figure 5 - Processed documents
4. Click Select next to a document to view it’s details
5. Click View History to view the approval history of that document.