Use (Import) a Template
Create a Budgetary document (Appropriations, G/P Budgets, or Alloc/Plans) as you normally would:
1. From the Budgetary main menu, select Appropriations, G/P Budgets, or Alloc/Plans.
2. Click theAppropriation, G/P Budgets, or Alloc/Plans tab.
3. Enter an eight character (alphanumeric) document number in the Doc # field. Do not use the same number as a template.
4. For G/P Budgets, or Alloc/Plans, click the GL Type drop down menu and select an appropriate GL. For Appropriations, no drop down menu is displayed.
Figure 1 - GL Type menu example
5. Enter an Effective Date or select a date from the calendar. (This will not be changed by the template.)
6. Enter a Description. Do not use special characters or symbols, such as &, ', “, <, and \.
7. Click Save & Continue.
8. Click the Template drop down menu and select a template.
9. Click Import.
Figure2 - Import a template example
10. If necessary, make any changes necessary to the fiscal coding or other document fields.
11. Click Save & Continue or Save & Clear.
a. If you need to start over, click Delete Document if the document has been saved (but before Distribution Complete).
12. Click Distribution Complete.The document will then be ready for the agency’s approval and release (if approvals have been enabled by the agency). Depending on the approval level required by the transactions codes, it will then be ready for DFM Release and then for SCO Release.
13. If the document needs to be changed after the distribution is completed, the Approver will have to undo the approval and set the status of the document to Awaiting Distribution. The Fiscal Coder can make the changes.