Additional Authority

Security Request Administrator - allows user to request security access for the agency. Selecting this option will require Head of Agency/Designee approval. If person has Director/Head of Agency or Signed By authority they already have ability to request security changes or access for employees, they do not need the SRA authority as well.

Security Administrator- allows user to have the authority to request password resets for employees in the agency.  These include web applications and mainframe passwords.

Surplus Property Declaration - Select Yes for access to the Board of Examiner's surplus property declaration form online, and to declare state-owned personal property as surplus to an agency. 

Surplus Property Sign By Authority - Select Yes for access to approve on behalf of the director, Surplus Property Disposal Forms online only.  If they have surplus property sign by authority they cannot have surplus property declaration authority.  If they have Director/Head of Agency or Signed By authority they already have the ability to approve surplus property so they do not need this authority.

Signed By-Employee can sign on behalf of agency director or elected official using the latter's name by means of a pre-approved signature, such as a handwritten signature, initials, stamp or electronic signature.  They have the authority to request security access or changes for the agency with this authority so they do not need to have SRA access as well.