​​​​​​​​Luma Leadership Accele​rator​

Thank you to everyone that was able to join us for the Leadership Accelerator meeting. 

We have asked you all to find ways to take these next steps:

​1. Provide a Luma Accelerator update to your agency. 

​​​a. Utilize the “Luma Accelerator Toolkit" to aid you in this activity.

2. Coordinate with your Change Liaison to utilize the “Change Liaison Communication Toolkit," to follow up on your agency's Luma Accelerator.

​a. Provided after today's Change Liaison meeting

3. Encourage your employees to participate in upcoming opportunities to gain familiarity with the Luma system to increase understanding and buy-in. 

Post-Leadership Accelerator Resources:

​Luma Leadership Accelerator Video Recording
​Luma Leadersh​ip Accelerator Slide Deck
​Luma Leadership Accelerator Toolkit
https://youtu.be/9Dc79TW3oY4​​Leadership Accelerator_V3 - Final Presentation 12-6-22.pptx
Agency Accelerator Walkthrough Presentation.pptx

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Joshua Whitworth, or reach out to the Luma project team at luma@sco.idaho.gov. 
