​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Transitioning to Luma​​​

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  *This visual shows you the goal of the page you're on.


​"Change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to 

do it with them. Create it with them." - Lisa Bodell, Author​

Follow these step-by-step instructions to learn how we are transitioning to Luma with your Agency:

Step 1: Watch the Introduc​tion to Luma video

Introduction to Luma Video​​​


Step 2: Employee Journey Map to Go-live 

Content Editor

​​Step 3: Become familiar with the timeline of events leading up to the launch of Luma 

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​What do these events mean?
​Luma Leadership Accelerator: The goal of th​​e leadership accelerator was to provide a baseline for Agency Directors about the​ changes, timelines, and to ask them for help to bridg​​e the gap between the Luma project and agency personnel. ​

Luma Highlights: The Luma Highlight videos show Agency personnel the new Luma functionality

Change Readiness Survey: A survey was sent to a broad sample of agency employees to measure how informed stakeholders feel about Luma. Forthcoming surveys will be deployed in January​ and May of 2023.

Luma Labs: These will provide an opportunity for agency personnel to experience their Chart of Account data, organizational structure, and a sample of basic structure and configuration. ​​
User Experience Simulations: UX Simulations will mimic users being inside the Luma system, wherein employees will be guided with instructions on how to complete common scenarios. Planned for February through April. 

Role Workshops: These workshops will be open to all staff and will be aligned to specific functional areas. The workshops reiterate what the employee will do in Luma and what changes they can expect. Planned for February and March. 

Human Capital Management & Finance and Supply Chain Management Training: Module-specific end-user training prior to go-live. ​

​Step 4: Watch our Luma Highlight videos for a brief demonstration of Luma's functionality

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Step 5: Learn what you can do now to prepare for your Agency's transition to Luma

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Step 6: Interact with the Luma User Experience Simulations

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Step 7: Learn how Luma will impact your role in Finance & Supply Chain Management or Human Capital Management​​ 

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