Statewide Descriptor Table D50 Transaction Code Approval

The D50 table includes the titles and narrative comments up to 10 lines for each Transaction Code. These comments are printed on the Transaction Code Table List (Autodoc). It also identifies the approval level required to release the transaction code, the document prefix STARS allows to be used, and the maximum dollar amount allowed for each transaction.

Figure 1 - Descriptor table example

STARS descriptor table screen

D50 – Trans Code Comment/Approval, Data Entry Requirements

Data Element Description


Enter the three-character transaction code. Like transaction codes should be kept in the same range in order to adequately use transaction code ranges for security operator class controls.


Enter the one-digit comment line number (0-9). Starting with “0", use a consecutive number for each record (screen) needed to complete comments regarding the transaction code.



Enter the one-digit document number prefix on the first record (the D50 Table entry that contains a comment line number of '0'). This contains valid current document number prefixes that can be used for the transaction code.

% – Any current document prefix can be used with the TC (0-9 or A-Z).


Not used.              


Enter the one-digit approval level code on the first record (the D50 Table entry that contains a comment line number of '0'). STARS requires this for all transaction code entries. The approval level identifies the minimum STARS approval level an employee must have on their security in order to release the transaction.

0 – Data entry personnel can release; no initials on batch release. Not currently in use.

1 – Data entry personnel can release, initials show in AL1 batch release field. Not applied to any transactions for release. Only used to show data entry person has completed their entry and the batch is ready for review.

2 – Review personnel can release, initials show in AL2 batch release field. Also used for pre-encumbrance release.

3 – Expenditure release approval personnel can release, initials show in AL3 batch release field. Most commonly used for agency batch release of expenditures, etc.

4 – Specialized loan, reinsurance, EIS, and GRS release approval personnel can release, initials show in AL4 batch release field

5 – Specialized expenditures such as vendor payments without vendor numbers, university reimbursements, and transfers from US Treasury personnel can release, initials show in AL5 batch release field. Normally only controlled interfaces have this approval level.

6 – DFM approval personnel can release, initials show in AL6 batch release field. Also for manual warrants, EIS savings bonds, unclaimed property transfers, loans between Funds, etc. approved and released by SCO.

7 – SCO personnel can release, initials show in AL7 batch release field. Used for payroll adjustments, statutory transfers, sight draft control, fiscal year end processing, and adjustments for adding, correcting or balancing files.

8 – SCO appropriation and PY adjustment personnel (and STO “J" batch personnel) can release, initials show in AL8 batch release field.

9 – Highest SCO approval level personnel can release, initials show in AL9 batch release field.


This six-digit approval amount is not normally used.

This defines the transaction amount limit at which the approval level is required. If all transactions in the batch are below this amount, the transaction code approval level is ignored and the batch can be released by anyone. Enter whole dollars only.

Blank - All entries using the transaction code would need to have the above approval level, regardless of the transaction amount.

XXXXXX – Not currently in use. If you need to use it, follow this example: If an amount of '000500' is entered and all of the amounts in the batch are less than $500, anyone can release the batch, regardless of their approval level. If any entry in the batch using this transaction code is equal to or more than $500, a person with the approval level specified (see APPROVAL LEVEL above) must release it. Transactions with amounts less than $500 would not require additional approvals.

TITLE Enter the description (per comment line) of the transaction code, up to 50 characters. This information prints in the Comments section of the DAFR8640, Transaction Code Table List (Autodoc).