IBIS Reports for Grant Accounting​

Preset IBIS Grant reports are available in the State of Idaho Public Folders > Grant and Project Reporting.

Figure 1 - State of Idaho Public Folders


These include data from FY2005 forward and shows information posted to the Grant File.

​Report Name​Description

Grant Program Income Report

Shows program income earned and expended for all Grants that have a program income amount for monitoring purposes.

Grant Purge Analysis

Grants not previously purged. The report is by Grant, regardless of the Phase involved. Instructions are included on the report.
Grant Table – Shows all Phases for a specific Grant and their status on the Grant Control Table.

Cash Control File – The amount in the IBIS Cash Control file for the specific Grant/Phase.

0=on cash control at the Fund level

1=on cash control at the Grant level

2=on cash control at the Grant/Phase level

General Ledger Cash – The amount in the IBIS General Ledger file for the specific Grant/Phase.

0=on the general ledger at the Fund or Fund /Detail level

1=on the general ledger at the Grant level

2=on the general ledger at the Grant/Phase level

GL Nominal Accounts plus Fund Balance – The amount in the IBIS General Ledger file for the specific Grant/Phase. Includes GLs 4100-4950 plus GL 3000-3002, 3102, 3202. (Fund balances plus any GLs that will close to the Fund balance at FYE.)

Document File – The amount on the Document File that has the Grant/Phase on the document.

All other General Ledger Accounts – All other amounts in the IBIS General Ledger file for the specific Grant/Phase.

Grant Revenues and Expenditures


These reports are only valid for Grants that began in FY2005 or later.

Grant Revenue and Expenditure reports can be run for the full Grant period or any partial period selecting the month ‘from’ and ‘to’ area. They can be run for any or all Funds.


Reports are available at the following levels:

  • by Grant/Fund/Object
  • by Grant/Fund/Summary Object
  • by Grant/Fund/Subobject
  • by Grant/Fund/Subobject Detail
  • by Grant/Fund/Recap only

    The following are reports run at the same levels with the breakdown by State Fiscal Year for Expenditures:
  • by Grant/Fund/SFY/Object
  • by Grant/Fund/SFY/Summary Object
  • by Grant/Fund/SFY/Subobject
  • by Grant/Fund/SFY/Subobject Detail

    Reports can be run for the full Grant period or for a range of months/years.

Indirect Cost Cash Transfers

Shows all Indirect Cost cash that has been ‘transferred out’ with TC 4I2 and the offsetting ‘transferred in’ with TC 4I3. The report includes transfers made between the federal grant and the state Fund(s). The total amounts transferred must always be zero.

Transaction Codes that post to Grants and/or Projects

Shows all of the transaction codes that post to the STARS Grant File and/or the Project File.


It is grouped by the fields on the Grant and Project Files showing which transaction codes post to the specific field. The report includes the title, whether the Grant and/or Project can be on the transaction (Grt Ind, Prj Ind), and if it posts to the Grant File and/or the Project File.


It shows information on the field that it posts to on these STARS files, as well as whether it posts a t ‘+’ or ‘-‘ to the file. (Reversals of these TCs would do the opposite.) These fields are used in IBIS Grant and Project reporting based on the STARS Grant and Project Files.


That a Grant or Project is allowed on the transaction does not determine whether it actually gets posted to the Grant or Project files. It must post to a field on these files.