​Interagency EFT Transfer of State Foundation Payments

The steps below are used for an interagency EFT transfer of State Foundation Payments from the State Department of Education (Agency 170) to the State Treasurer's Office (Agency 152).

1.   SCO sets up a document(s) on the STARS Document File under Agency 152 for the State Treasurer's Office using:

  • TC 13S
  • The Document Number of agency 170’s Invoice Number on the recurring transaction file (8-digit document & 2-digit suffix, e.g., DIST 00100).
  • Second Agency - 170 (State Department of Education).
  • Subsidiary Number - 0001000 (Local Government - Not Specified)
  • Index, to be decided by STO, with Fund 0625 on the Index (Index 0625 or some other Index).
  • An amount of $.01, so the document remains on the document file from year to year.
  • GLs:  debit 1502 (due from other funds or appropriations), credit 2203 (due to other entities)
  • Amt:  $.01
2.   Agency 170 (State Department of Education) generates an interagency EFT transfer TC like the TC 230 using:
  • TC 23S (which posts to expenditures GL 4200).
  • Any Document Number (Trans-No/Sfx).
  • Remove the "L" from the Disb-Meth.
  • Second Agency - 152 (State Treasurer's Office).
  • Subsidiary Number - 1520000 (State Treasurer)
  • Invoice number must be the STO account information (this would always be the account number originally set up above followed by 00, e.g., DIST 00100)
  • PCA/Index same as the TC 230.
  • The payment amount same as the TC 230.
  • GLs:  debit 4200 (expenditures), credit 1003 (cash), debit and credit 2202 (due to other funds/appns - nets to zero)
  • Amt:  variable amounts - payments due to the school districts
3.   The TC 23S automatically generates a TC 17S to the State Treasurer's Office on the same night the TC 23S is processed.
  • The TC 17S will post the same way as the current TC 188, but will have an Index on the transaction.
  • No e-mail will be generated.
  • The TC 17S will show on the daily DAFR7101, with the District number (followed by two zeros) in the Invoice Number field of each transaction.
  • This information will be on IBIS for reporting and reconciliation purposes.
  • GLs:  debit 1003 (cash), credit 2203 (due to other entities), debit and credit 1502 (due from other funds/appropriations - nets to zero)
  • Amt:  $variable amounts from SDE due to the school districts being invested by STO

    SDE will submit the detail information to the STO as soon as possible.