Travel Form Instructions​

Send the form to:


State Controller's Office

Division of Statewide Accounting

5th Floor, Joe R. Williams Building

P.O. Box 83720

Boise, ID 83720-0011

The following describes how to enter the information on each section of the TRVL form.

Claimant Information

AGENCY NAMEEnter your agency name. The name of the agency authorizing the travel.
AGENCY CODEEnter your three-digit agency code. The agency code of the agency authorizing the travel.
CONTACT NAMEEnter your name in this field so whoever works with the form knows whom to contact for questions.
PHONE #Enter your phone number so whoever works with the form knows how to contact you on questions.
DATEEnter the current date.
CLAIMAINT'S NAMEEnter your name.
CLAIMANTS' SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBEREnter your nine-digit social security number.  This is the number that the transaction will post to on the Vendor Payment File.
OFFICIAL HOME STATIONEnter the location of your official home statement as per the travel regulations.
PERSONAL VEHICLE LICENSE NUMBEREnter your personal vehicle license number if you are requesting reimbursement for your personal vehicle usage.
STATE VEHICLE LICENSE NUMBEREnter the state vehicle license number if you used a state vehicle during the travel.
PURPOSE OF TRAVELEnter the purpose of the travel for which you are requesting reimbursement.


Travel Detail Information



Enter the city where you began your travel.
DEPARTED DATEEnter the date you departed (left) on your trip.
DEPARTED TIMEEnter the time (include am or pm) you departed (left) on your trip.
TO CITY / STATEEnter the city and state that is your final destination on the trip.
ARRIVED DATEEnter the date you arrived at your final destination on the trip.
ARRIVED TIMEEnter the time (include am or pm) you arrived at your final destination.
MEETING DATES/TIMESEnter the beginning and ending dates and times of the meeting if you are traveling to a meeting.
DATEEnter the dates for which you are requesting reimbursement.
TOTAL MEALS ALLOWEDEnter the amount you spent on meals for the day, not to exceed the maximum allowable.
P-CARD MEALS TO DEDUCTIf you charged any of your meals to a P-Card, list the amount of the charge. You can use this field for other types of third-party payer cards or direct billings.  Include the type of card or the direct billing vendor in the comments area.
LODGINGEnter the amount you spent on lodging for the day.
P-CARD LODGING TO DEDUCTIf you charged any of the lodging to a P-Card, list the amount of the charge.  You can use this field for other types of third-party payer cards or direct billings.  Include the type of card or the direct billing vendor in the comments area.
PERSONAL VEHICLE MILES DRIVENEnter the miles you drove your personal vehicle (as per the travel regulations) if you are requesting reimbursement for your personal vehicle usage.
COMMENTSEnter any comments, including the vendor name if you are direct billing or the type of third-party payer card you are using if not a P-Card.
TOTALSEnter the totals of the Total Meals Allowed, P-Card Meals to Deduct, Lodging, P-Card Lodging to Deduct, and Personal Vehicle Miles Driven for the trip.


Mode Of Travel

Enter the amount of the cost for your mode of travel.  For Private Vehicle, use the total of Personal Vehicle Miles Driven times the rate as determined by the Board of Examiners.  All others should​ be the actual cost incurred.  Enter the name of the vendor in the comments area.
P-CARD AMOUNT TO DEDUCTIf you charged any of the Mode of Travel items to a P-Card, list the amount of the charge.  You can use this field for other types of third-party payer cards or direct billings.  Include the type of card or the direct billing vendor in the comments area.
COMMENTSEnter any comments, including the vendor name if you are direct billing or the type of third-party payer card you are using if not a P-Card.
Enter the amount of any miscellaneous costs during your travel that the Board of Examiners allows in the travel policy. Enter the type of cost in the comments area.
COMMENTSEnter any comments, including the vendor name if you are direct billing or the type of third-party payer card you are using if not a P-Card.
TOTALEnter the total of the Mode of Travel and the total of the Miscellaneous items for the trip.


Totals / Signatures

NOTE:  Reimbursement of amounts greater than those identified in these regulations may result in your agency having to submit information for preparation of an IRS supplemental W-2 as additional income to the employee.

Sum of the Total Meals Allowed, less P-Card Meals to Deduct, plus Lodging, less P-Card Lodging to Deduct, plus Mode of Travel, less P-Card Amt to Deduct, plus Miscellaneous, less P-Card Amt to Deduct.  This total will be the cost of the trip incurred by the claimant/traveler.
LESS ROTARY/PCARD ADVANCEIf you received a rotary fund advance or a P-Card cash advance, enter that amount.
ROTARY ADV #If you received a rotary fund advance, enter the rotary fund check number.
TOTALDeduct the rotary fund or P-Card advance from the total.  If the amount is a (+), this is the amount you will be paid. If the amount is a  (-), this is the amount you must refund to your agency.
THIRD-PARTY REIMBURSEMENTIf you are expecting reimbursement by a third party, enter the name of the third party and the amount.
CLAIMANT SIGNATURESign the form to certify that the information in the voucher is correct and just.
AGENCY APPROVALAn approved signatory of the agency must sign the form to certify that the travel was performed under competent order, the purpose of which it was undertaken is correct, and that the same was necessary in the public service.
FISCAL INFORMATIONOnce the travel voucher is complete and approved, the agency should code it for STARS.