Expenditure and Disbursements Reports​

The following reports are available through the Online Reporting application.

Reports are also available in IBIS in the State of Idaho Public Folders ‎> Statewide Reports ‎> Accounting, or by using Query Studio.

Expenditure Transaction Detail Reports



Monthly Transaction Register by PCA/Index

Lists the majority of the detail information of the transactions processed during the month.  This report breaks by transaction register then PCA.  It sorts by Index within the PCA.
NOTE:  May need to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Monthly Transaction Register by Index/PCA

Lists the majority of the detail information of the transactions processed during the month.  This report breaks by transaction register then Index.  It sorts by PCA within the Index.
NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Monthly Transaction Register by Document Number

Lists the majority of the detail information of the transactions processed during the month.  This report breaks by transaction register then sorts by Current Document Number.
NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Grant Transaction Analysis

Lists the majority of the detail information of the grant transactions processed during the month.  This report breaks by fund and grant/phase.  If you want the grant information regardless of fund, request no fund.  Shows revenue and expenditure transactions by subobject, totaled by all object levels.  Shows transaction detail grouped and totaled by budgetary/other, encumbrance/expenditure, and receipts/revenue by grant/phase.


Project Transaction Analysis

Lists the majority of the detail information of the project transactions processed during the month.  This report breaks by fund and project/phase.  If you want the project regardless of fund, request no fund.  Shows revenue and expenditure transactions by subobject, totaled by all object levels.  Shows transaction detail grouped and totaled by budgetary/other, encumbrance/expenditure, and receipts/revenue by project/phase.


Expenditure Reports



Expenditures by Index, PCA and Object

Lists expenditures by BFY, fund, and Index and shows percent of year elapsed.  Within the Index, the report sorts and page breaks and totals by PCA.  Then totals by Index and fund.  Within the Index, it shows each PCA and expenditures by subobject then totals by all object levels.  Shows current month and year-to-date totals per object level, PCA, Index, and fund.
NOTE:  For the personnel subobjects (4000 series), this report shows a breakdown of the subobjects by PCN number.


Expenditures by PCA, Index and Object

Lists expenditures by BFY, fund, and PCA and shows percent of year elapsed.  Within the PCA, the report sorts and page breaks and totals by Index.  Then totals by PCA and fund.  Within the PCA, it shows each Index and expenditures by subobject then totals by all object levels.  Shows current month and year-to-date totals per object level, Index, PCA, and fund.
NOTE:  For the personnel subobjects (4000 series), this report shows a breakdown of the subobjects by PCN number.


Revenue and Expenditure Reports



Transfers Out by Fund, Rev, Transfers In, Expend

List revenues, transfers-in, expenditures and transfers-out by BFY, Fund, G/L account, and Second Agency (on transfers).  Shows current and year-to-date balances by subobject/dtl.  Subtotals by object level, second agency, G/L account, and fund.  Fund totals show Revenue and Transfers In total, Expenditures and Transfers Out total, and the difference between these two totals.


Grant Revenues and Expenditures by Grant/Fund

Lists grant revenues and expenditures by grant/phase then fund.  Shows subobjects then summarizes all object levels.  Shows budget, actual, encumbrance balances.  Computes budget minus actual as well as the difference between revenues and expenditures.  Lists a grant recap of all balances for the grant.

(w/-- for no dtl)


Revenues and Expenditures by Fund

Shows Revenue and Financial Plans, current and YTD, encumbrances, then Unrealized Revenue/Available Balances.  Computes difference between revenues and expenditures.  You cannot request at any organization or program level.  Also shows Percent of Year Elapsed XX% but not in detail.
NOTE:  Retain June 30 DAFR8330 for LSO audit.


Statewide Revenues and Expenditures (can order for an individual agency)

Lists revenues and expenditures by G/L account.  Shows a statewide total of revenues and expenditures by subobject then totals by all object levels.  Shows current month and year-to-date totals per subobject of all funds, with a separate column for the general fund.


Grant Revenue and Expenditures by Fund/Grant

Lists grant revenues and expenditures by fund then grant/phase.  Shows subobjects then summarizes all object levels.  Shows budget, actual, encumbrance balances.  Computes budget minus actual as well as the difference between revenues and expenditures.  Lists a grant recap of all balances for the grant.
NOTE:  May need to retain June 30 DAFR7850 for LSO audit.


Active Project Revenues and Expenditures

Lists project revenues and expenditures by fund then project/phase.  Shows subobjects then summarizes all object levels.  Shows budget, actual, encumbrance balances.  Computes budget minus actual as well as the difference between revenues and expenditures.  Lists a project recap of all balances for the project.
NOTE:  May need to retain June 30 DAFR8130 for LSO audit.


Cash Transaction / Cash Position Reports



Cash Transactions by Fund

Lists all documents that post to cash for the month.  Shows by fund and document number with a total by document number.  This lists each transaction’s batch header information and transaction code.  It shows the amount, whether the amount debits or credits cash, and the net effect to cash for the document.


Statement of Cash Position by Fund

Lists each fund/dtl and grant, if requested, by month.  Shows the beginning balance, advances made, advances received, receipts and collections, disbursement, transfers made, transfers received, and an ending balance.  You can find this information on the online Cash Control File along with a borrowing limit field that is not on the report.
NOTE:  Retain June 30 DAFR8190 for LSO audit.


Trial Balance Reports

NOTE:  All trial balance reports show all G/L categories (assets, liabilities, etc.) and list each subsidiary under the respective G/L account.




Trial Balance by Grant

List trial balance by Transaction Year, by fund/dtl, and by grant/ph.  Totals by grant then fund.


Statewide Trial Balance by Fund

Lists trial balance by Transaction Year and by fund.  Shows each G/L account and subsidiaries accumulated statewide.  It shows the beginning balance, debits, credits, and ending balance.


Trial Balance by Fund/Grant

List trial balance by Transaction Year, by fund/dtl, and by grant/ph.  Accumulates by grant then fund
NOTE:  Retain June 30 DAFR8160 for LSO audit.


Trial Balance by Fund, GL Acct, & Transaction Code

Lists a trial balance by fund, G/L account, and then transaction codes.  Shows the beginning balance, debits, credits, and ending balance for each transaction code posted to the G/L account.

NOTE:  Retain June 30 DAFR8180 for LSO audit.

Financial Plan Reports

All of the financial plans have the same type of data in the reports.  They just sort and total differently.  All financial plans show expenditure subobjects, financial plans, current month and year-to-date expenditures, encumbrance balances, percentage of the financial plan not used, balance of the financial plan not used, and outstanding pre-encumbrances. 


DAFR8280Financial Plan Status by Fund/Org/Obj

Lists financial plans by fund, organization (Index), then object.
NOTE:  May need to retain June 30 DAFR8280 for LSO audit.


Financial Plan Status by Fund/Org/Pgm/Obj

Lists financial plans by fund, organization (Index), program (PCA), and then object.
NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Financial Plan Status by Org/Pgm/Fund/Obj

Lists financial plans by organization (Index), program (PCA), fund, and then object.
NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.

DAFR8290​Financial Plan Status by Fund/Pgm/Obj
Lists financial plans by organization (Index), program (PCA), fund, and then object.
NOTE: May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.

Financial Plan Status by Fund/Pgm/Org/Obj

Lists financial plans by fund, program (PCA), organization (Index), and then object.
NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Financial Plan Status by Pgm/Org/Fund/Obj

Lists financial plans by program (PCA), organization (Index), fund, and then object.

NOTE:  May also want to retain June 30 DAFR6850 for LSO audit.


Miscellaneous Reports

MPC Code - Purchasing Report



Purchasing Report by Multi Purpose Code

Lists all of the transactions processed with an MPC code during the month.  Shows the MPC, document number/sfx, effective date, vendor number/sfx, vendor name, PCA, Index, expenditure subobject and amount.  Totals by MPC code, then agency.


Subsidiary Reports



Subsidiary Transaction Analysis Report

Shows individual subsidiary transactions processed during the month.

(SS1: D32)

Descriptor Table Report – D32 Subsidiary Table

Lists all subsidiaries on the Subsidiary Table by G/L account, subsidiary number, and subsidiary title.


Transaction Code Reports





Transaction Code Decision Table List – Autodoc

Lists all of the transaction codes for STARS data entry.  Shows the transaction codes, general ledger accounts, data entry requirements, how the transaction posts to different files, the approval level, and a brief explanation of the transaction code usage.  See the Transaction Code Decision Table chapter for more information.


GLA vs. Tran Code Cross Reference

Lists all of the STARS general ledger accounts and the transaction codes that post to each G/L account.  It shows if the TCs debit or credit the general ledger account and provides the title of each transaction code.  See the Transaction Code Decision Table chapter for more information.


SCO ONLY - Expenditure Reports

DAFR0200 - Revenue & Expenditure Adjustments & Rotary Reimbur (SCO only)

Lists the revenue, expenditure, and rotary reimbursement transaction codes by agency on a daily basis and accumulative for the month.  SCO uses this report to locate adjusting transactions that only have one side of the adjustment posted.  All adjustment transaction codes must have offsetting TCs to keep cash in balance.  SCO may contact agencies when this report shows them out-of-balance.