Create Billing and Shipping Address List​


Administrators can create a list of billing and shipping addresses as well as the address for their agency that will print on the purchase order. Requesters and purchasers can then select from the address list when they create line items for requisitions or purchase orders in order to specify different addresses for shipping and billing.

The Address screen is comprised of the list of any addresses that you have saved  and a form to add a new address or update an existing one.

Figure 1 - Address screen

List of addresses on teh address maintenance screen 

Add a New Address

1. From the Purchasing main menu, click Administration, then click the Address tab.

2. Complete the address fields as needed.

  • The Phone number must be entered without a hyphen (e.g., 5552222).
  • The Name field simply identifies the address on the Address screen and helps users select addresses when creating requisitions or purchase orders. It is not printed on a purchase order or on any reports.

3.. Check the Active Address check box.

4.. If needed, enter a Group name and Desc (description). Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \. These identify the address on the Address screen and help users select addresses when creating requisitions or purchase orders. They are not printed on a purchase order or on any reports.

5.. Enter Contact information – for example, a person, department, business entity, etc.. This will print on a purchase order. Do not use special characters or symbols, including &,',“,<,and \.

6. Check Default Shipping, Default Billing, or PO Form Address. (The PO Form Address will be your agency’s address printed on the purchase order.)

7. Click Add New Address.

8. To add another address, click Cancel (this will clear the form but not cancel the address just added.)

9. If you use all three addresses, all three will be printed on a purchase order:

Figure 2 - Purchase order form

addresses highlighted on a purchase order form 

Edit an Address

1. From the Purchasing main menu, click Administration, then click the Address tab.

2. Click Select next to an address in the address list.

3. Edit the address as needed.

4. Click Update Address.

Delete an Address

Although an address cannot actually be deleted, you can hide it from the default view in the Administration screen and also from the view of requesters and purchasers so they cannot select an old or incorrect address.

1. From the Purchasing main menu, click Administration, then click the Address tab.

2. Click Select next to an address in the address list.

3. Uncheck the Active Address check box.

4. Click Update Address.

Select an address for a requisition or purchase order

The address list is available to users when they create a requisition or purchase order.

1. Click the line item Menu and select either Edit Ship-To Address or Edit Bill-To Address.

2. Click Select next to an address to apply to one or all line items in the requisition or purchase order.

Figure 3 - Select an address

purchase order menu link highlighted with shipping address window displayed