​Vendors and Vendor Tables: Solving Common Problems​


This document covers the following common problems: 

  • Vendor is not active
  • Vendor is not on the system
  • Vendor requests electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments
  • Vendor address is incorrect/corrections to record
  • Need to add a state employee
  • Need to reactivate a state employee for final travel reimbursement

The Vendor is Not Active

You may encounter an error message during data entry that reads, “Vendor is not active”.  Follow these steps to check the status of the vendor (you do not have to exit your batch to check the status):

1.        Press HOME, then SHIFT+TAB to place the cursor in the INTERRUPT field (located in the bottom right corner of the screen).

2.        Type 21 in the INTERRUPT field and press ENTER. This will open the Vendor Edit Table (S021).

3.        Type ‘R in the FUNCTION field and type in the Vendor Number and press ENTER.

4.        Check the VEND STATUS field. In the example of an error, the value could be:

    • 1 – Inactive, check the Contact Name field for any messages.
    • 2 – Inactive, the new EIN number will be in the SS EIN NUMBER field.  Use the new number for issuing payment. See the following example.
    • 3 -  There is a garnishment or lien on the vendor.

5.        When finished checking the status, press F4 to return from the interrupt.



 FUNCTION: R (A=ADD, C=CHANGE, D=DELETE, N=NEXT, R=RECALL)                    


VENDOR NUMBER: 0400000000 00 DMI:   VENDOR AGY: 000  AUTHENTICATION IND:               


VEND TYPE: C VEND STATUS: 2 CHG AGY: 290 W-9 AGY: 230    1099 NAME/ADDR:   





The Vendor is Not on STARS

Contact the vendor and request that they submit an IRS Form W9 to your office.  Retain the W-9 in your office and submit the vendor information using the Web Vendor Maintenance application on the SCO Web site.

The Vendor requests electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments

Refer to the Electron Funds Transfer (EFT) documentation.

The Vendor address is incorrect or is going to change

If the vendor is changing addresses, submit the corrections using the Web Vendor Maintenance application on the SCO Web site.  Corrections of minor errors or typos can be sent to the servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov.

You Need to add a State employee

Employees must first be added to EIS. Please contact your payroll specialist to add new employees. New employee information may take a few days to be interfaced to STARS. After the employee is active on EIS, STARS will automatically receive the information in a nightly file download from EIS.

You Need to reactivate a State Employee for Travel Reimbursement

When your agency terminates an employee on the EIS State Payroll system, STARS automatically inactivates the employee on the Vendor Edit Table.  If you need to process a final travel reimbursement to the employee, please contact the DSA helpline at servicedesk@sco.idaho.gov for temporary re-activation.