​Add or Update Users


There are two parts to Travel Express Administration -Agency maintenance and User Maintenance. First, complete your Agency Maintenance to set up the Request and Voucher approval levels, set mileage reimbursement rates, etc. Then you can complete your User Maintenance to add new users, assign role to users, assign approval PCAs or Indexes to approvers, and mark users as active or inactive in the application.

Add New Users

1. Select Administration from the Travel Express main menu, and then click the User Maint tab.

2. Click Find New User.

3. Type the last name or first name of the user, or the first few letters of either the Last Name or First Name in the respective field.

  • The Non-State Employee (NSE) setup process can be found here: Travel Express for Non-State Employees​
  • When adding an employee from another agency, you will need to enter their agency number in the Agency field. 
  • You cannot add an employee from your agency to another agency's travel express.
  • If the user's last name is hyphenated or has an apostrophe, try using just the first name in the lookup.

4. Click Find. If the user cannot be found, contact your payroll administrator to make sure that the user has been added to state payroll records.

5. Click Select next to the user's name to add and then click OK to confirm adding the user.

Figure 1 - Find a new user

the find new user button highlighted and the user lookup window shown ​

6. Click the appropriate roles to assign to the user:

  • Administrator. Full administrative functions. It is recommended to have at least two users added for this role so that one can serve as a backup.
  • Request Approver - Select the request approver level to assign to the user.
  • Proxy (the user can create requests and vouchers for other people. See below.)
  • Fiscal Coder – Adds fiscal coding to vouchers.
  • Approver - Select the voucher approver level to assign to the user. (You must then either assign specific PCAs or Indexes to approve, or select Approves for all PCA/Index codes. See below.)
  • Auditor (an Auditor added from another agency will only see the View/Edit Request and View/Edit Voucher menus, even if you add them as Approver, Coder, etc.)

Figure 2 - User settings

the user name fields and various user settings shown 

7. The Vendor suffix will default to SE if that is the suffix for the user on the Vendor Edit Table. Change the Vendor suffix in the Vendor Sfx field, if necessary. If the vendor suffix for the user is not SE, typically it will be 00, but could be 01, 02, etc.

8. Add the user's License plate number, if needed. This will be added automatically to the Personal Vehicle field on a request or voucher when one is created.

9. Click Add User.

10. If the user is a voucher Approver, you must assign all or specific PCAs or Indexes for which they will be authorized to approve or assign the approver to approve all PCA/Indexes.

To assign all PCAs or Indexes:
a. Check Approver and then select the Approval level (depending on the number of levels you have defined.)

b. Check the Approves for all PCA/Index codes check box.

c. Click Update User.

To assign specific PCAs or Indexes:
a. Check Approver and then select the Approval level (depending on the number of levels you have defined.)

b. Click Update User.

c. Check the check boxes next to the PCAs or Indexes to be assigned.

d. Click the right arrow to assign the PCAs or Indexes to the user.

e. Click Update User.

Figure 3 - Assign PCAs or Indexes to approver

the Approves for all PCA/Index codes check box highlighted and a list of unassigend and assigned codes shown 

11. A Proxy can create requests or vouchers for other people and will have access to their requests and vouchers in Travel Express. Click the check box next to Proxy.

a. Click the check box next to a name in the list of unassigned users.

b. Click the arrow to assign the user(s) to the proxy.

c. Click Update User.

Figure 4 - Add proxy names

the proxy check box highlighted and a list of unassigend and assigned users shown 

d. Continue adding users. When finished, click Travel Express Menu or Logoff.

Update Existing Users

1. Select Administration from the Travel Express main menu, and then click the User Maint tab.

2. Click Select next to a user's name. Users from another agency (e.g., a legislative auditor) have their agency number displayed in the Agency column.)

Figure 5 - Select user

a list of users shown and the select links highlighted 

3. Make changes as needed to the user's roles or approval levels. A user's name is automatically entered from their Payroll file. If it is incorrect, contact your Payroll administrator or the SCO's Payroll help desk - dsphelpdesk@sco.idaho.gov.​

4. Click Update User

Figure 6 - Update User

the update user button shown