All Transactions Report​

​This report can report transactions back to approximately 06/01/2008.

To generate an All Transactions Report:

P-Card Administrators:

1. Leave the Credit Cards section blank (no card numbers).

  • To report on specific cards, enter up to five credit card numbers by the last ten digits, then the card type (WFMC for MasterCard or BOAV for VISA)

2. Select a date range, select the criteria to sort the report by.

3. Click the desired file format.

All other users:

1. Select a date range, then select the criteria to sort the report by.

2. Click the desired file format.

Figure 1 - Selections

All transactions report criteria 

The results of the report depend on the type of user requesting the report.

  • If a Verifier requests the report, it will report the transactions that the person is authorized to verify.
  • If an Approver requests the report, it will report the transactions that the Approver is authorized to approve. However, the report will show transactions from card holders whose default PCAs can be approved by the Approver, or transactions when there is at least one transaction that can be approved by the Approver, even if the PCA of one or more of other transactions has been changed to one that the Approver cannot approve.

Figure 2 - Report PDF example

PDF report version 

  • If the report shows a “Cardholder Not Found” message, be sure the card is checked as active on the card holder's profile and then re-run the report.
  • If a transmittal number has a negative sign, it is because the verifier clicked the Create Atch button when verifying transactions to attach scanned documents (this creates a ‘temporary’ transmittal), but has not clicked the Submit & Print button. The verifier should click Submit & Print, then re-run the report.

Figure 3 - All Transactions CSV example

All Transactions CSV example