Update Multiple Users' Default PCA or Index​


To see the PCAs or Indexes for your P-Card users, from the Admin screen, you can run a User Report in the Reports to see a list of users and their settings.

Figure 1 - List of Indexes

List of Index codes 

Update Default PCA or Index

1. On the P-Card main menu, select Admin, and then click Maintain PCA (or Index).

Figure 2 - Maintain PCA

Maintain PCA button highlighted 

Figure 3 - Maintain PCA Menu

Maintain PCA screen with various radio buttons 

To see who is assigned a specific PCA or Index, click View Users by Default PCA (or Index):

1.  Enter a specific PCA or Index.

2. Click Run. A list of users assigned that PCA or Index will be displayed by last name, first name.

To change a Default PCA or Index for multiple users who have the same PCA or Index, click Change Default PCA or Index:

1. Enter the Old PCA or Index.

2. Enter the New PCA or Index.

3. Click Change.

A message will display showing how many users were changed.